Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Cheeka, the pictures are beautiful! So green and lush. It's already dry here and the hills are brown. Summer squash and tomatoes are on their way, though, so there is an upside!

Smhoekzema, congrats on the new layer. Hopefully she will not always be so loud. I have one in particular that starts hollering about 1-2 hours before she lays an egg! Fortunately she doesn't lay every day. Never thought I'd be glad about fewer eggs!

So, we've had quite a bit of chicken drama around here. The last two eggs hatched (out of 5 eggs) and each chick is being raised by it's own mama, sharing the large ground cage. The Serama hen is not too friendly to the Cochin mama, but I'm hoping the size of the cage will keep the fussing to a minimum.

The first hatch of 5 chicks, that has been peacefully shared between 2 hens, is now down to one mama. Don't know who started it, but found the smaller of the hens with a bloody face and comb from them fighting!
Took the bloody one out, cleaned her up and tried to reintroduce her to Fudge and the chicks. She immediately attacked Fudge, who gave her another good thrashing, so I removed her and put her in the general population. She spent the rest of the afternoon pacing in front of the chick pens, trying to call them to her to no avail, but then roosted in the coop last night, so maybe she is out of broody hormones. I expected her to sleep on the ground near the chicks or in a nest box, but she roosted. At least that has calmed my guilty feelings for taking her away from her babies, and I don't have to build a fourth pen to keep her with a couple of chicks.

These two had shared eggs, nest, chicks, food, and broody duties. Don't know what happened, but the mottled one went psycho, so she is out. Fudge is a better mother anyway, and is slightly larger so can cover the chicks better.
wow, that's a lot of drama for real W4W! at least all the chicks have a warm snuggly place to learn all things chicken... and yeah, I can't wait for tomatoes and squash and all those yummy fresh veggies that = summer! it's super lush here and going to get even better - we're getting 3 days of rain starting tomorrow - so everything will continue to explode. I've cut the grass 3 times, and it's finally starting to thicken. flock is out for another half hour or so, which means I gotta get back outside!
love the coop Scrambles, it's really cute!

glad nothing got past that barrier mortie!

beyond exhausted, that huge route kicked my butt and the day was hot and hazy, so overloaded with mail, I forgot to notice my surroundings, but the specialty herds weren't in the fields that I can see, and the regular cows act like I'm bringing them food and approach the roadway, so I tend to just drive by them... it was 81° when I got home at 5:30, so I let the flock out, got everyone gallons and gallons of fresh water, put waterers in the yard in strategic spots, and doled out some mostly frozen fruit and veg in shallow water dishes. and I shared a leftover turkey leg which they stripped to the bare bone in minutes.

15 Eggs.
Uhh Ohhhh!!!! Now Nugget is broody and boy is she mean. I had to wear gloves to steal the two eggs she was sitting on. I would love to have her hatch but I still haven't sold the last batch yet. If I can then maybe I'll let her....
Cheeka, the pictures are beautiful! So green and lush. It's already dry here and the hills are brown. Summer squash and tomatoes are on their way, though, so there is an upside! Smhoekzema, congrats on the new layer. Hopefully she will not always be so loud. I have one in particular that starts hollering about 1-2 hours before she lays an egg! Fortunately she doesn't lay every day. Never thought I'd be glad about fewer eggs! So, we've had quite a bit of chicken drama around here. The last two eggs hatched (out of 5 eggs) and each chick is being raised by it's own mama, sharing the large ground cage. The Serama hen is not too friendly to the Cochin mama, but I'm hoping the size of the cage will keep the fussing to a minimum. The first hatch of 5 chicks, that has been peacefully shared between 2 hens, is now down to one mama. Don't know who started it, but found the smaller of the hens with a bloody face and comb from them fighting! :barnie Took the bloody one out, cleaned her up and tried to reintroduce her to Fudge and the chicks. She immediately attacked Fudge, who gave her another good thrashing, so I removed her and put her in the general population. She spent the rest of the afternoon pacing in front of the chick pens, trying to call them to her to no avail, but then roosted in the coop last night, so maybe she is out of broody hormones. I expected her to sleep on the ground near the chicks or in a nest box, but she roosted. At least that has calmed my guilty feelings for taking her away from her babies, and I don't have to build a fourth pen to keep her with a couple of chicks. These two had shared eggs, nest, chicks, food, and broody duties. Don't know what happened, but the mottled one went psycho, so she is out. Fudge is a better mother anyway, and is slightly larger so can cover the chicks better.
Thanks W4W! I know what you mean. For over an hour she sat in the nest this morning yelling at the top of her lungs. I shut the window and closed the door to try and contain the noise. Then all of a sudden silence. I opened the door and out she wandered like nothing had happened. Job done! Crazy chook

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