Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

We have a very secure 6 ft wood privacy fence and the gate is tricky.

Yesterday it was for sure an animal because there was a little hole right up on the edge as if something was trying to dig under the run. I don't know why the run door is popping open but thankfully the coop itself is quite secure.
yeah we put something in the latch but the coop is like for knox. The hole I found yesterday was really tiny so I am wondering if maybe it was just a squirrel trying to get their food?
Squirrels are quite clever!!!!

So I have a limping chicken. Not sure what is going on and of course she is one of the teenage hooligans so I'm never going to catch her. I'll have to wait til she goes to bed tonight.
what a day! it poured and poured, thunder and lightning... I got the chicken feed in the car just before the big storm hit, and it's still in the car... all the Cluck-Clucks are fine, and all the eggs were clean and dry - and no yolk on any, so I got them before any were taste-tested... 21 in total, 4 from the Fosters, out of 6, but I don't think Big Broody is laying yet, she's not broody at all, which is good, but hormonally, she should be rearing chicks right now, and not laying. anyway, it's National Egg Day. go hug your chickens!
we had flash floods yesterday too, it's all fine up on the hill... but a few spots made the news. I got new Timberland boots, wore them today for the first time, and my back is so sore, I can hardly walk. I need inserts before I can wear them again. I hope they work because the boots were expensive. and because I'm in so much discomfort, free range was only 2 hours. couldn't keep up with them... but I did get all the feed unloaded, slowly and with difficulty. I've got 21 Eggs in the basket, and I know there will be a few more. had to use Blue Kote for the first time in a year. EE Stella has a boo-boo on her head. looks like it may be roo-related for the start, but she was being pecked at for her spot in the nesting area, and it was bleeding. quick squirt and she looks good,

I'm supposed to have a date night tonight. it's 20 to 5 and I'm thinking I need to cancel.

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