Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

I have a couple with more separated bones but I think it's mostly because they're bigger. Wilson has the farthest apart bones and she's as fat as a basketball. Probably from ordering too much pizza with my cell phone when I leave it in the yard.
Chickenlindz July 26th
Cheeka August 1st

Mortie's Hubby: July 20th

W4W & Scrambles: A cold day in...well you know.

Is this the whole list? I tried to get the most recent version. Pulling it forward because tomorrow is hubby's day and then comes lularat. We'll see who comes closest. Probably just hang on to those eggs til spring at this rate.
Cheeka August 1st

Mortie's Hubby: July 20th

W4W & Scrambles: A cold day in...well you know.

Is this the whole list? I tried to get the most recent version. Pulling it forward because tomorrow is hubby's day and then comes lularat. We'll see who comes closest. Probably just hang on to those eggs til spring at this rate.

Think mine was August 2nd, which is really only one day after cheeka.
Lol. Anything after august 1st is a cold day in you know where

So if I understand this correctly .... August 1st is the first day of " the season that will not be named" in the place that we all know where but also "shall not be name" ?.... Lmbo
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Squirt 'a sleeping on the nest again. Do I get more eggs for her to hatch????

I'm wondering if I have an egg eater. My white Maran ate an old egg she found in my husbands garage (I didn't know they were laying there) and now the second day in a row she's been on the nest and no egg later when I go back. I'll have to keep my eye on her. She is a new layer so maybe she's just getting into being more regular.
we have about 15 hens should lay any day i check every day for new eggs, we have 15 layers now but today only got 8 eggs, we also have a younger group of about 8 hens that should start next mth, then we have 6 babies but it while be a while before they lay, i think every one in town will know when i get the eggs from the next group, we said we are going to slow down but we keep saying that and get more. we have hatched most of them our shelves.
Lol. Anything after august 1st is a cold day in you know where

Ugh. Around here that's the beginning of the Really Hot days, which feels like you know where, and which don't end until the beginning of October (the absolute best month for good weather out here. Until Halloween, when it rains. If we're lucky.)

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