Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

anna, Welcome to the thread! the days are getting longer, maybe less than 2 weeks to go until you see pullets investigating nests and finding tiny eggs!
we'll wait along with you, in the meantime... got any pics?

I am astounded! my Elbe is standing on the edge of the kennel! the chicks have perched there for weeks, but never Elbe. so today, I installed a proper roost. I found her on it this afternoon, very comfy, but when I came back with the camera, of course, she was down and having a drink of water. they're sleeping in a pile, but I suspect that they'll be roosting in the next day or two. her left foot is still weak, but she is really getting around so well finally! but her improvement in the last 24 hours is incredible... hoohah!
I have 30 hens and 1 rooster henry, I have been getting 13 to 15 eggs a day, last year we had 50 hens an it just got to many, giving eggs away, now we get just the right amount for family, we do have 2 ee's, one I know is laying have had her for over 2 years, and then this summer we hatched 8 eggs one was an ee we are not sure if she is laying as the first one takes off for 3 to 4 mths then starts laying again, so we are not sure if she is laying every day or not,
One of my Orpingtons is back to laying, and the egg is BIG!
Hope I get at least a couple dozen from her..... before she goes broody.

And my old New Hamp laid yesterday, so that brings me up to 5 active layers!! (not including bantams, half of whom are still broody

Yay for Elbe!

Hi Gilcamp!
30 hens sounds like a good amount, and Henry must be a busy boy!
I would love to be back down to only 30... oh well... lol

check out Elbe now! I put strips of very fine sandpaper along the top of the roost, taped in place. it is a varnished walking stick in reality... probably a bit slippery, so this is perfect.

we've suddenly plunged into the subzero world of Winter with temps below zero - it won't last, it will be back to the 40's by Thursday, but I made a Pie

the pens aren't bad at all, but the water was frozen, they had pecked a good hole in, but I replaced everyone's.

over in the Dome, no eggs today... and I was surprised by that. I've had one a day just about since they quit at the end of the Summer. I haven't seen a green or blue egg in months. a full minute more tomorrow might trigger someone...

just love my Merry...

Betty is bar far the slenderest BR I have. she's probably the slenderest in the entire flock, she finally finished molting. she's been one of my short daylight contributors, which at nearly 4 years of age, is astounding...
Her mother was saying yesterday that she thought it would be hysterical if Duckling grew up to be "hairy as an ape, and ugly as one too". So if Duckling looks like her or her sisters.

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