Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

I'm getting about five chicken eggs a day. I have ten hens. One is broody.
I have a broody turkey too.
The three female ducks are hiding eggs again. I kept them locked in for a while yesterday. Both Pekin girls laid. The Muscovy probably laid later outside.
I have Casey (original Pekin female) inside now. She has bumble foot.
Still thinking the Lorp chick is a cockerel, so I got 2 Crested Cream Legbars to replace him when the time comes. Lady gave me a bonus chick! They are 2 weeks old so close enough age-wise that the little Welsummer pullet should integrate well with them. The Lorp tries to peck them, the brute, so I have to keep them separate for a little longer... or get rid of the brute... here kitty kitty...
(would never do that really, of course!

They are very sweet and calm.

Ping is seriously into the shower, he loves the pool too...and he knows he's a handsome fellow. He is meticulous about preening. If Sweet Pea is a boy, he's out of luck with Quackington, she's smitten with Ping and his dashing good looks. Sweet Pea is a dirty duck. Not much for bathing and neglectful preen'er...has been since the beginning. Seems happy tho.
For their house, we got boards up along the tops of the posts today. Its squared off, ready for trusses and roof. If the weather would make up its mind to be nice, I can finish in 2 days
It's so fun when they swim under the water like that! I remember my little Mel, mallard duckling I found under the brooders at the feed store and they told me to take him home... anyway, Mel used to do that when he was about a week old. I let him swim in a bucket... round and round and swooop! under the water for a few laps. He loved it! Didn't want to come out, he would dive every time I reached for him. Not afraid though, he was imprinted on me. Lasted until he was mature and we got him a girlfriend. I could still pick him up any time.
Watching them get so excited about swimming, I'm tempted to get the 8' version for their house pool if it fits in the space...this 6' one does so...they make us happy...Wrangler chops cucmbers and cooks lima beans for dabbling...
They're really feathering in and are super beautiful. Between yellow and white, they're creamy butter yellow. Blue eyes... Quackington and Sweet Pea are getting harder to tell apart and I am still hoping for 2 ducks, 1 drake...

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