Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Yeah having a pea in Wisconsin doesn't sound very smart but my birds could live outside in the 20s do you think I could get lots of eggs from EEs??????? How old are they when they lay?????????? Are they like normal chickens or do ameraucanas have different habits???? :/ kinda confused!
Yeah having a pea in Wisconsin doesn't sound very smart but my birds could live outside in the 20s do you think I could get lots of eggs from EEs??????? How old are they when they lay?????????? Are they like normal chickens or do ameraucanas have different habits????
kinda confused!
EE's start laying around 22-23 weeks old like most large breed chickens. Some sooner and some take longer. Seems like cheeka's took longer but she can tell you better than I can about those birds. Thanks for joining our conversation. We were lacking a "pea" person/expert so good to have you around.
When my supply ran low due to winter I bought eggs from a lady who had an egg sign at the end of her drive. I would find another BYC person before I got eggs from the store.How exciting for you. I remember our first eggs! The first,the biggest,the smallest,the blue,the each was fun to find.

I totally agree. I'm new to the chicken world, but what a experience it has been. It's deff had its ups and downs, but as far as find eggs of all sizes is great. Ive have shelless laid as momma bird walked into the hen house, more oval than "egg" shaped lol. and one so small it was about 1inch long and as 3/4inch around. AWESOME!
I got 12 eggs today. 3 from the Brats, and 9 from the Bikers.
The babies are growing fast. They are roosting occasionally. This morning they were making their soft peeping sounds (okay, not so soft. LH are loud!) when all of a sudden they all went crazy. They were out of food. It looked like they had been, but just suddenly decided to let me know it.
I gave them cheesy rice and Pb tonight.
I collected 17 rogue eggs today. :hmm. found my free range work.hens new hiding spot. First had a hen eggnapping, and brooded out 17 chicks. Not sure how many total eggs she napped. Then couldn't find any eggs since they hatched. Found them all today . Floated them since I wasn't sure if they were any good. Only 4 floated! Woohoo! Right now I've got 3 three week olds, and 12 one week olds from one hen, and 7 one week olds from another that I didn't even know was broody lol! Also got one hen broody, and she's got 6 or 7 so far, but she keeps egg napping the duck eggs, which aren't fertile. Silly hen!

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