Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

OH .....and one more picture. Can you identify this goof ball

who didn't want to show her face. What is the deal with her wing feathers? The long wild looking feathers? She has always been like that. Anybody?
OK, she should stop laying, but she may not stop stealing. good thing you marked the fertile eggs. the one egg that Peach had that was not fertile, was rotten, I'm sure, but it did not smell, and i was super careful about not breaking it... she sat on it for what... 24 days?

oh yeah... Si has funny wing feathers like that... just the way they are, I guess... i love the pics, Roger is such a ham!
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A picture of Ms Broody. Caught her off her nest this evening for the first time. Her egg numbers had gone fron the 14 hatching eggs I gave her to 19 eggs. Good thing I marked the fertilized eggs with a pencil. I quickly found the new eggs and removed them from the nest. She couldn't have laid 5 eggs since last Thursday night. Will she stop laying? Somebody is helping her and I think it is ROGER. Looks like the eggs she lays. I'm a littled confused about these new eggs that keep showing up. She can't cover 19 eggs......

I don't think. And won't they rot if I don't collect them? They sure won't hatch. Any advice?

Ha haa! Stink eye and broody butt in one pic! You did good OK. Looking like that, I doubt she is still laying eggs, but there is plenty of room for one of her chums to cram in there and lay more. Ms.Roadkill will just tuck them under to keep them warm. Until she gets onery enough to keep the others (Roger) out of her nest box, you might want to check for extra eggs every so often. If she tries to peck your eyes out, go in at night with a flashlight, or else wear a welding mask and gloves!

My nest boxes are smaller and they share, sometimes one will sit on top of the other! Thems that lay together stay together!
OH .....and one more picture. Can you identify this goof ball

who didn't want to show her face. What is the deal with her wing feathers? The long wild looking feathers? She has always been like that. Anybody?

Perhaps she damaged her wings trying to pull Santa's sleigh last winter!
She probably has split wing. It's an undesirable trait for show birds; they'll be disqualified. Other than that, not a problem.
This thread shows it a bit more clearly. Look at post #1 and #4.
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Hi guys!

15 chick getting shipped the 22!!
That's exciting. It's going to be fun trying figure out who is which breed.

I made pie tonight!!!
And it won't let me post a pic. Grr
Are you trying to post from an iphone? Lots of people have been having trouble with that. Hopefully they will have it fixed soon.

Let us know if the pie works!
OK, she should stop laying, but she may not stop stealing. good thing you marked the fertile eggs. the one egg that Peach had that was not fertile, was rotten, I'm sure, but it did not smell, and i was super careful about not breaking it... she sat on it for what... 24 days?

oh yeah... Si has funny wing feathers like that... just the way they are, I guess... i love the pics, Roger is such a ham!
They must be climbing in the box with her. She is in the "favorite" laying box. So I'm sure they don't want to be inconvenienced. Crazy birds. I think W4W gave the answer to the feathers. Split wing? Guess I will put her back on the "Meat Bird" list. I now know that she is totally useless for anything except ......soup.
interesting... split wing... Si only has one stray feather on one side. he's such a mellow bird, I still plan to breed him simply for the temperament. I won't become a show person anyway. I have my neighbors Guineas running around my yard, barking up a storm. they are such pretty birds. he's got lavenders and whites. amazes me that he just lets them out... I live almost half a mile down the road.

my worm farm is doing great, there are lots of black beetles tunneling around, I meant to mention that the other day... but now there are even more! very cool... there is also a stink bug and a few lady bugs in there... fine by me.

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