Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Hi MC, the broken eggs are most likely from thin shells. A true egg eater is not really that common, and they almost always get started because of a nutritional problem, usually a protein deficiency. If an egg get broken open accidentally (or from a thin shell) any normal chicken will eat them, but I don't count them as egg eaters because they are not pecking the eggs open themselves.

"JG in the litter box in the broody room with Baby" Sounds like that old board game, Clue. If Baby's chicks hatch, do you have to worry about the JG attacking them? JG go in with Midnight sounds good. She's probably lonely. Also, if your vet has avian experience, lucky you!! If he's willing to look at Midnight for free, go for it! If her leg is broke, he will be able to tell and might be able to help her. 3 weeks is a long time for her to be down.
I'm x 2 here with W4W... I'd put JG with Midnight... and I have a soft egg layer (at least 1) despite the oyster shell provided. about every other day or so, one of the big piles of eggs is yucky with yolk and stuck bits of bedding... I watched my Penny lay a soft shell by the waterer during free range...and with so many new layers... it could be one regular or several occasional... IDK...

got a video... during a break from the rain I let everyone out, and I opened the door to Peach and the chicks. they didn't go far, but they did come out!

crazy storms yesterday, we even had funnel clouds about 8 miles from me, not tornadoes, but funnels...
I'm x 2 here with W4W... I'd put JG with Midnight... and I have a soft egg layer (at least 1) despite the oyster shell provided. about every other day or so, one of the big piles of eggs is yucky with yolk and stuck bits of bedding... I watched my Penny lay a soft shell by the waterer during free range...and with so many new layers... it could be one regular or several occasional... IDK...

got a video... during a break from the rain I let everyone out, and I opened the door to Peach and the chicks. they didn't go far, but they did come out!

crazy storms yesterday, we even had funnel clouds about 8 miles from me, not tornadoes, but funnels...

Cute video.
I will move the JG in with Midnight then. I figured that Beth (Elizabeth, NJ is the only girl's name I can think of for a Jersey Giant) would be too busy on her nest to be a Roger to the new chicks. If you think it is best to put her in with Midnight, I will. I am too new to question the advice of old and decrepit chicken owners.
teasing. I will move her tonight. I am a little worried that she didn't move all night (the bedding was still tucked around her) and today she didn't go eat with the others right away. Just going by what Baby did (before I gave her her own place and food) and what Beth did the last 2 days. I am thinking it could have something to do with the large number of eggs under her. I think she is up to 10 now. I have to go out again to see if I can get them counted and marked.
MC, did you make any switches? what was your final placement? you'll see how things go in the morning anyway and you can always make further adjustments...

it's a sad day here, for me and Peach... no one else is affected... her 3 chicks do belong to my friend, but I was really hoping she'd let Peach brood them another week, she took them home tonight, and they are doing fine. Peach called for them for 2 hours. she finally retired to the far back of her nest, face in, perping softly. 'bout broke my heart. poor chicken. I will put Si with her in the morning. she will go broody again, I'd bet on it. Pebble also went to his new home, which is great...! he was supposed to go on Tuesday, but delays and rain... anyway, he's gone to a good home.

14 eggs today! I cooked up a slew of eggs today, 17 of them. most of them were definitely BR, some questionable and I don't take chances with my BR eggs. I think I mentioned... I fairly regularly get bloody contents from my BR eggs, and not just a spot. it's gross so I never sell cream eggs that are roundish shaped just in case. I figured it was stress at the least and at the worst... something many might cull the bird for, but I have never figured out which BR lays them definitively... anyway, ramble ramble... one of the 17 was a double yolk, and not a single one had a drop of blood
I still have one dozen left, nice size eggs... might sell them to say... my cousin, and tell him to crack them individually into a bowl first, just in case. I sell him eggs for $1, only because he insists on paying something... he could have them... but ramble ramble again...
,,, I feel quite confident that it was stress after all. The boys have been out of the dome for almost 6 weeks, with the exception of those 2 days last week after the storm, but it was so cold and nasty that their behavior was very reminiscent of Winter... ahh the harmony... so sad it ended. the boys new location is working out very well, little further away from the house and the girls, but they can still see everyone.
oh yeah, fed all those scrambled blood free eggs to the gang, it was the chicks last meal before leaving and they were so adorable running around with bits of egg in their beaks... reminded me of the piranhas eating a sandwich... Next batch of chicks will be Peach and Sirus' offspring! G'Nite!
MC, did you make any switches? what was your final placement? you'll see how things go in the morning anyway and you can always make further adjustments...

it's a sad day here, for me and Peach... no one else is affected... her 3 chicks do belong to my friend, but I was really hoping she'd let Peach brood them another week, she took them home tonight, and they are doing fine. Peach called for them for 2 hours. she finally retired to the far back of her nest, face in, perping softly. 'bout broke my heart. poor chicken. I will put Si with her in the morning. she will go broody again, I'd bet on it. Pebble also went to his new home, which is great...! he was supposed to go on Tuesday, but delays and rain... anyway, he's gone to a good home.
I just checked on everyone. I will move her in an hour or so.
On day one, (yesterday morning) I marked 5 eggs with a Sharpie. Tonight I pulled her out (I never caught her off the nest today) and found 11 eggs and a partial. I only counted 3 whole eggs from yesterday, but I may have miscounted. The partial I looked at until I did see a mark. I am assuming with a dozen (or more) eggs jammed into a small nest box, the one was crushed, and thus eaten.
I am sorry for Peach. Poor baby!

I put the incubator eggs in lock down, Of 24 remaining eggs, I only think one (my barn yard mix) will hatch. Grrrrr.
It will help with my numbers though. The barnyard chicks could stay in the big coop with the others. When they are older if not now.
I really need to figure out what I am going to do as far as breeds.
I guess OK has been tied up by Roger and Roger Jr.
Hello, all!

I just got rid of my husband for the week. I went to the fridge to find that the 13 eggs that were ours to eat were still there, and he had gone to my mini fridge, and took my selling eggs!
IDK what made him do that. But, he was having a rough few days home.
I just hope no one wants to buy eggs for a few days.
I went to the coop last night to find another broody. Baby's chicks are due Tuesday. IDK how many will hatch from the incubator. I am not sure if I want another broody! Unless I wanted a layer pen, I don't need mixed chicks. Even if they are 75% or more likely to be EE.
I had the dog at the vet yesterday. I asked about Midnight. He said if her leg is broken, it is crooked. He was not happy with me. Turns out he was an aviary specialist for over 40 years. Then he confused me by saying she could be egg bound even after 3 weeks. He kept cutting me off. Annoying, but if I bring her to him, he will come to the car,and check her out for free. My qualm is that it is a broken leg, and I do not want him manipulating her leg to see. I was looking at her this morning, and it looks straight. It also looks to be healing judging by how she was attempting to use it. BTW, collecting eggs by flashlight when you have had too much to drink is an adventure. I kept yelling at myself trying to remember what an egg looked like!
Sounds like you had a good time....I find myself with a glass of wine and the chickens makes me one happy chicken lady, I just don't try to 'fix' anything while I am out there with them lol.
I'm x 2 here with W4W... I'd put JG with Midnight... and I have a soft egg layer (at least 1) despite the oyster shell provided. about every other day or so, one of the big piles of eggs is yucky with yolk and stuck bits of bedding... I watched my Penny lay a soft shell by the waterer during free range...and with so many new layers... it could be one regular or several occasional... IDK...

got a video... during a break from the rain I let everyone out, and I opened the door to Peach and the chicks. they didn't go far, but they did come out!

crazy storms yesterday, we even had funnel clouds about 8 miles from me, not tornadoes, but funnels...
This weather has been nasty and it seems to have slowed down my eggs here....I was getting up to 11-13 a day and now I am getting 6-8 maybe if I am lucky. I checked for mites or any other issues. Its been so stormy and rainy with humid hot days. Crazy weather. I had them covered for like four days because of t storms and rains being horrible. I dusted with DE today just to be sure I don't have any problems. I also noticed some soft shell eggs one day. Since then besides offering oyster on the side I sprinkle it in yogurt once a week for them. No more soft eggs...but such a slow down in eggs...ideas?

P.S. the show forum has reports of two or three people with mites...
I only came home with the two little chicks which are chilling in the basement...all looks well with them.

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