Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

I am with you on the Del's the one that is a cockerel is obvious and I am pretty sure the rest are pullets. I also agree with you on the BR's but have never had a BR cockerel so i'm not sure. They are all about the same when you look for combs and wattles. The color of the barring is very interesting and educational for me. I didn't know that. I will look for that when I check on them tomorrow. It is pretty neat watching the birds in the broody coop.RK Broody will get those chicks together and lead them outside to the run in the morning and the little BO will hobble out behind the last chick like she is one of the chicks. It is great to watch and I can't get over what a great arrangement it is for all of them in the broody coop. Everybody has exactly what they need including the Little BO who sleeps in one of the nest boxes on the floor of the broody coop. A perfect home for everybody living there.
Gotta love it when a plan works out so well! I've always had a soft spot for the weak ones, so it's wonderful to hear that Little BO can enjoy life despite her problems. Earning some good karma, Mr. OK. Way to go!
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I have a new layer! yipee!!!!
I haven't seen that lovely shade of brown since I lost Violet on 7/31... it's perfectly egg shaped and nice and clean - no blood, AND I found it IN the nest!!! I asked the girls, but no one claimed it... Wilma wanted to peck it. the EE truly looks closest to POL, but I'm guessing it's one of the Marans. because they are crosses, they won't lay the super dark eggs... but I don't care. I'm so ding dang happy!
awesome news!!! congrats to the new layer too
Love all the beautiful pictures! #2son and I are 5 hrs away from home. We went to a chicken show this weekend, especially to see the Seramas. Very fun and we learned a lot. We'll head back north tomorrow.

Talked to Hubs, and he said that one of the other Serama girls laid and egg today. Only waiting on 2 more to start.

Found out that my uncle (my mom's brother) died a week ago today. Same cancer that got my mom. Guess I'd better go get my test soon. Hate going to the doctor. Come to think of it, so did they. Evidently, not a very healthy attitude to have.
For sure don't wait! I agree, hate drs too. Really hate all the stupid blood tests etc. But better safe than sorry

Here are my two special needs hens. Little BO (on the left) who became came lame and couldn't walk for a few weeks. She is making great progress and fits in perfect with the broody and chicks. Nobody to get rough with her. On the right you see RK Boody who has managed to grow most of her feathers back. Real happy for her. She is looking great and she turned out to be a great broody hen. Still has all 11 of her chicks.
Great pics! I see a roo in one for sure. hard to tell without a face shot but the comb is sure a big giveaway!
wow OK! such vibrant and beautiful babies! and I'm with everyone else, looks like you finally got what you wanted... and a bunch of cute pullets to go with him! I'm shocked at how feathered RK is already... this is exactly what she needed, and lil BO looks sturdy and well on her way to recovery. so glad it all has come together so seamlessly...

Lynda, I am sorry to hear about your Uncle
best to get checked up on for your own peace of mind. then avoid the medical model as much as possible... live healthily and you won't need to go back...

it's been a long day. one of my kitties, Missa Emily Bumpus disappeared right before Mylee left, about 2 weeks or so ago... she would disappear often, usually no more than 3-4 days, then she would return, eat like a pig and try desperately to get back out fast... anyway, she's been gone so long, I figured she was never coming back. my neighbor called me this morning. she was in their yard, very near to her favorite hang out spot near the swamp, and she was gone. she's completely intact, looked fairly peaceful... but odd for a healthy 9 year old cat to just die. she's buried already, slipped her into a silk pillowcase, and gave her the last edge spot around a large granite slab I put in the backyard to mark my first pets grave.

I still have 3 cats, so not getting any more... but she was an amazing hunter... always getting snakes - I hope I'm not overrun by snakes with her loss...

because of that duty, I was late getting to pick up the Cochins, but I did pick them up. they are quite lovely, not perfect by SOP, but who am I to care? one of them doesn't have as heavily feathered feet as she should, and another has some "wrong" colored feathers... but there are 3 black and 1 blue

had to sneak around the back to get a shot of this one... bit shy...

it's a bit cramped in there because I had not taken out the kennel that I used to transport them... because 1 of them wouldn't get out... I'll let them acclimate at their own pace, and remove the kennel later. they have a couple of small roosts, I will get a new longer branch tomorrow so they can all roost together... if the snow flies before January, they will be moved into the dome, otherwise, I will move them in January. the pen is a bit small, but they do have the minimum space. none of them has laid yet, so this will be very interesting... hatched around the middle of April, so any time now... with the move, I'm figuring that will delay things.
wow OK! such vibrant and beautiful babies! and I'm with everyone else, looks like you finally got what you wanted... and a bunch of cute pullets to go with him! I'm shocked at how feathered RK is already... this is exactly what she needed, and lil BO looks sturdy and well on her way to recovery. so glad it all has come together so seamlessly...

Lynda, I am sorry to hear about your Uncle
best to get checked up on for your own peace of mind. then avoid the medical model as much as possible... live healthily and you won't need to go back...

it's been a long day. one of my kitties, Missa Emily Bumpus disappeared right before Mylee left, about 2 weeks or so ago... she would disappear often, usually no more than 3-4 days, then she would return, eat like a pig and try desperately to get back out fast... anyway, she's been gone so long, I figured she was never coming back. my neighbor called me this morning. she was in their yard, very near to her favorite hang out spot near the swamp, and she was gone. she's completely intact, looked fairly peaceful... but odd for a healthy 9 year old cat to just die. she's buried already, slipped her into a silk pillowcase, and gave her the last edge spot around a large granite slab I put in the backyard to mark my first pets grave.

I still have 3 cats, so not getting any more... but she was an amazing hunter... always getting snakes - I hope I'm not overrun by snakes with her loss...

because of that duty, I was late getting to pick up the Cochins, but I did pick them up. they are quite lovely, not perfect by SOP, but who am I to care? one of them doesn't have as heavily feathered feet as she should, and another has some "wrong" colored feathers... but there are 3 black and 1 blue

had to sneak around the back to get a shot of this one... bit shy...

it's a bit cramped in there because I had not taken out the kennel that I used to transport them... because 1 of them wouldn't get out... I'll let them acclimate at their own pace, and remove the kennel later. they have a couple of small roosts, I will get a new longer branch tomorrow so they can all roost together... if the snow flies before January, they will be moved into the dome, otherwise, I will move them in January. the pen is a bit small, but they do have the minimum space. none of them has laid yet, so this will be very interesting... hatched around the middle of April, so any time now... with the move, I'm figuring that will delay things.

Cheeka, they are beautiful! It makes me miss all my black cochins and my one blue! Does the one have muffs? Her face looks really fluffy. Maybe she is a Cochin/ EE? They are gorgeous either way! So sorry for your kitty!

I didn't get a chance to get pictures this weekend. We had a family reunion yesterday and had to go get groceries ect today. So maybe I will get some tomorrow! The babies are 4 weeks old now! Seems hard to believe. When you look in at bedtime all you see is a fluffy Clarabelle with a bunch of little heads sticking out everywhere! It is so cute! Still waiting on these moochers to start laying. I threatened to make chicken and dumplings out of them if they didn't start leaving me some eggs.... they didn't seem concerned.
lindz, yes, that one does have super fluffy muffs and beard, I didn't even notice that until I had them home *7/- <~~ Chester says Hi... he must have to go out, he's pawing at the keyboard...
I'll get better pics of them this week... can't wait to see pics of your fluffballs, it would be so great if you could sneak out at dusk and get a shot of Clarabelle floating on a layer of babies...especially with all the little heads poking out from everywhere, those are the cutest shots!

I'm just glad Emily made it home. it's easier to let go if I know where they are... disappearing into thin air can lead me to tricking myself into believing that maybe she's at someone's house and will come home someday. best to deal with the truth

9 Eggs today. no egg from Peach or the new layer (i didn't expect one from the newbie... but Peach has skipped the last 3 days, and is squatting like crazy, maybe she's holding out for a fertilized egg?)
wow OK! such vibrant and beautiful babies! and I'm with everyone else, looks like you finally got what you wanted... and a bunch of cute pullets to go with him! I'm shocked at how feathered RK is already... this is exactly what she needed, and lil BO looks sturdy and well on her way to recovery. so glad it all has come together so seamlessly...

Lynda, I am sorry to hear about your Uncle
best to get checked up on for your own peace of mind. then avoid the medical model as much as possible... live healthily and you won't need to go back...

it's been a long day. one of my kitties, Missa Emily Bumpus disappeared right before Mylee left, about 2 weeks or so ago... she would disappear often, usually no more than 3-4 days, then she would return, eat like a pig and try desperately to get back out fast... anyway, she's been gone so long, I figured she was never coming back. my neighbor called me this morning. she was in their yard, very near to her favorite hang out spot near the swamp, and she was gone. she's completely intact, looked fairly peaceful... but odd for a healthy 9 year old cat to just die. she's buried already, slipped her into a silk pillowcase, and gave her the last edge spot around a large granite slab I put in the backyard to mark my first pets grave.

I still have 3 cats, so not getting any more... but she was an amazing hunter... always getting snakes - I hope I'm not overrun by snakes with her loss...

because of that duty, I was late getting to pick up the Cochins, but I did pick them up. they are quite lovely, not perfect by SOP, but who am I to care? one of them doesn't have as heavily feathered feet as she should, and another has some "wrong" colored feathers... but there are 3 black and 1 blue

had to sneak around the back to get a shot of this one... bit shy...

it's a bit cramped in there because I had not taken out the kennel that I used to transport them... because 1 of them wouldn't get out... I'll let them acclimate at their own pace, and remove the kennel later. they have a couple of small roosts, I will get a new longer branch tomorrow so they can all roost together... if the snow flies before January, they will be moved into the dome, otherwise, I will move them in January. the pen is a bit small, but they do have the minimum space. none of them has laid yet, so this will be very interesting... hatched around the middle of April, so any time now... with the move, I'm figuring that will delay things.
I am so sorry about your kitty miss emily. I can't bring myself to have a cat again after my little smokey passed.
I love blue cochin! I have been tryng to find a trio, they are so popular. DH really likes how friendly the roos are.
A friend of ours has a blue roo, but no hens. They are just super sweet birds.
Janet, getting pretty far down on my fb page, I have a Dog's Last Will and Testament... it's about how our pets can't leave anything behind but the love...and if they could, they would will their bowl, bed, toys, and their owners lap, loving hand, soft voice... to an unloved stray/shelter animal. it makes most everyone weepy, but it's true. as hard and painful it is to lose them, we can't close our hearts to another. I think someday you should get another cat.
quite possible OK. I considered bringing her down to the vet to find out, then thought better of it. there's not much I would be able to do to eliminate something on someone else's property... best to do what needed to be done and bury her alongside 3 pugs and 2 other cats. one of the Pugs belonged to my brother. Willow loved being up here, running in the yard, country girl at heart... and he was so broken hearted... he asked if I had room for her too... oh man... I'ma gonna cry. the one thing I'm hating about selling this place and leaving... is that little cemetery back there.

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