Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

We have so many strays dumped out here, I think the right one will find me. I keep all of them, just don't let them in the house.
Each one gets spayed and shots. They have the big pole barn and the goats shed to live in. One tabby girl stays in the big coop at night!
I ferment the cats food too, you would never know to look at them they are strays.
My only rule is they cannot be bird aggressive or they go.
I have only had to take one to the humane society so far, it would go after my adult chickens. It was a nice cat towards people.
They are a no-kill so I gladly donate the $20 to help it get a home.
Coop flooded last night. It didn't bother the birds because they were high and dry on the roost. Hardest and most rain I have ever seen. I saw one report on TV that said we got over 6 inches of rain in a very short period of time. My coop is on the side of a hill but rain came so hard and fast it built up and ran in the door. Shoveled all of the wet pine shavings and hay out of the coop. Used a fan to dry it out as much as I could. Then put down fresh dry pine shavings. Roger thought it was funny
lindz, yes, that one does have super fluffy muffs and beard, I didn't even notice that until I had them home *7/- <~~ Chester says Hi...  he must have to go out, he's pawing at the keyboard..
I'll get better pics of them this week... can't wait to see pics of your fluffballs, it would be so great if you could sneak out at dusk and get a shot of Clarabelle floating on a layer of babies...especially with all the little heads poking out from everywhere, those are the cutest shots!

I'm just glad Emily made it home.  it's easier to let go if I know where they are... disappearing into thin air can lead me to tricking myself into believing that maybe she's at someone's house and will come home someday.  best to deal with the truth

9 Eggs today.  no egg from Peach or the new layer (i didn't expect one from the newbie... but Peach has skipped the last 3 days, and is squatting like crazy, maybe she's holding out for a fertilized egg?)

Hi Chester!

I will try to get a shot of them tomorrow when I lock up for the night! I cleaned out their nest box today and rebedded it. They seemed happy with it! I think Clarabelle has started molting because there were feathers everywhere. I picked some up and put them in the nest on top of the bedding. Clarabelle was practically cooing. Silly birds......
Coop flooded last night. It didn't bother the birds because they were high and dry on the roost. Hardest and most rain I have ever seen. I saw one report on TV that said we got over 6 inches of rain in a very short period of time. My coop is on the side of a hill but rain came so hard and fast it built up and ran in the door. Shoveled all of the wet pine shavings and hay out of the coop. Used a fan to dry it out as much as I could. Then put down fresh dry pine shavings.  [COLOR=FF0000]Roger[/COLOR] [COLOR=000000] thought it was funny[/COLOR]

Oh no! I am sure SHE hopes to get another mud bath soon. Good for the complexion ya know. .... Rofl
now that is a whole lot of water! so glad to hear that nothing was washed away... just washed... not surprised Roger would find it amusing... did she crack her hay strand whip at you to quicken your step???
quite possible OK. I considered bringing her down to the vet to find out, then thought better of it. there's not much I would be able to do to eliminate something on someone else's property... best to do what needed to be done and bury her alongside 3 pugs and 2 other cats. one of the Pugs belonged to my brother. Willow loved being up here, running in the yard, country girl at heart... and he was so broken hearted... he asked if I had room for her too... oh man... I'ma gonna cry. the one thing I'm hating about selling this place and leaving... is that little cemetery back there.

You are a good person. I have five misfit cats that are not or never was adoptable. Nobody would have wanted them because they were wild or feral. I caught them all in traps and had them spayed or neutered. Took them home from the vet and released them back in my barn. I recently spent over six hundred dollars getting a broken leg fixed on one of them. And I would do it again. My neighbors know my cats are my extended family and I would go Charles Manson on them if they hurt my cats. Luckily I have good neighbors.
my only year round truly nearby neighbor has a dog, a cat, ducks and geese... I don't think it was something deliberate on their land, she might have traveled further, she was quite the outdoorsy girl... thinking all day on it... I did have some bloody stool in the litter box a few months back, and wasn't able to figure out who made it. they were all taken to the vet when due, current on everything... maybe she had cancer... still right to lay her to rest without delay... everyone who knows me knows that I'm like you... I've spent far too much $$ and great quantities of time trying to save anything I come across that needs help. I have to. I spent 15 minutes or so one day saving a tiny bright green snake that got pinched in a mailbox for crying out loud... it seemed to know I wasn't predatory, but helping... it wrapped it's tail around my finger and held still while I worked.
Greetings everyone! Happy to be home. How come driving is so tiring? Sitting the whole time, but feels like I've been working all day.

Chickens are all fine. Since I have started supplementing the big girls with high protein dry cat food, we've started getting much larger eggs. I do it to help them through their molt, but the big eggs are a nice perk.

AND, now I have some good quality cat food to feed my potential new kitty. Hubs and #1son were going by to see her today, but got busy and forgot.
I don't even know if she's still there. Anyway, I got the go ahead from hubs, so we'll see tomorrow. Now just have to fill out this massive, multi-paged adoption application. So many questions!

Ann, so sorry about your cat, but very good that she was found so you could say good-bye. The worst thing is not knowing. No matter how many times you tell yourself that they will pass before us, it's still hard. Better that she enjoyed her life outside for the time she had. I feel the same way about Sid. Quality over quantity.
Love your new Cochins. They're on my list.

OK, that's a lot of rain! The coop flooding is a pain, but sounds like you have it all under control. Wonderful that you have a cat haven, too. Too many of them are left to suffer. Our family farm was a magnet for stray and unwanted animals. Countless cats, dogs, horses, bunnies, chickens, even a goat and a peacock showed up and were added to the family. Some of the stories are heartbreaking. If my mom couldn't take them on, she always found homes for them.
You should see her. She is so covered in mud she is dragging her tail. She thinks the Red Cross is going to show up and bring food and she is going to be on the world news. Everybody else has a little mud on their feet but that is it.
We got hammered for 2 days here. Lots of standing water at the south end of the property. my rain gauge ran over! Ducks and geese are LOVING it All their faces covered in mud from eating it! Have to go out and get more hay tomorrow, and shavings for the coops.
Brought poor butters in, he looked black from all the mud. he is the only silkie I have that won't perch. My oldest DD bathed and blow dried him, he is spending the night in a crate indoors.
Have a hunch she will keep him on from now on, she was looking at diapers on her phone earlier

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