Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

I am still waiting for a broody. Maybe by the end of Summer. The girls are only 8-months-old. I need to be patient ... And buy an incubator.

Beautiful day here. It was in the 40's. We finally got some snow last night, but only about a 1/2 inch. All gone already. I got some things done today. I cleaned the new quarantine where the new gang had stayed for a couple days. It was pretty easy. I did find the remains of another egg on the steps. Darn concrete!
I don't know if I said before, but it is an outdoor access to the basement. There is a light, a window, and 3 landings. There is also a door to keep them out of the basement area. When I was cleaning, I was looking at the other 2 rooms that have doors and windows/ventilation. Not easy to clean, but if there were a hurricane that made me bring the birds in, I would be all set!



13 eggs total today. I am getting confused. I know that whatever color a bird lays, THAT is the color of the eggs, and they will only get lighter as the laying season goes on. Then get dark again after a molt.
Now the question. How am I getting blue eggs now when I KNOW the first few were all green? I think one day I got 2 blue, mostly now I get a blue and a green on the same day. The girls are sisters from the same hatch. They didn't free range, so just one rooster fathered them.
Second, I swear the Marans eggs are getting darker. I will take a picture of today's later. The pint is that I know they are not supposed to change like that. The woman is even willing to replace the girls! I know she just wants to get rid of some more to make room for her hatches.

The blue/green eggs seem to follow their own rules. I read that the color can be enhanced by carotenoids (yellow and green veggies), but you really need to look at the inside of the shell to see if it's a brown coating that might be changing the outside color, or if it's the base shell color that's different. My EE lays a green egg that has no brown coating. That's the color of her shell all the way through. She laid one yesterday that was so pale, it was almost white and the NewHamp laid one without the usual bloom that makes her very round eggs look pinkish. Guess my girls are still a bit messed up. Hope that Denagard works! --When I get it.

I have heard that the Marans eggs will get darker, especially for new layers. People talk about them 'kicking into gear' color-wise.

In the movies, strange things are always hidden in the basement.... monsters, aliens, bodies... Never heard of chickens in the basement!
Quote: Found out that the Denagard is made by an Austrian company and it is specifically labeled for use in swine and chickens only, has a very short withdrawl time (no withdrawl for eggs), and is supposed to be biodegradable, so no worries about building up in the soil. The only downside is that it's not cheap. So far I've found it at Amazon and QC Supply. Someone also said at Jeffers Livestock, but I couldn't find it there.

The Mob seems a bit better today. About 50% good looking poops under the roosts. (There must be a name for someone who studies feces!
Feels like I'm working toward a degree here!)) I took Dawg's advice to stop all treats and feed only layer pellets for a week. Maybe that's helping the diarrhea, but if Monkey is still wheezy, then they will all get Denagard. Oh, and another good thing, I didn't get back to let them out until almost noon, and they still have about half their water left! Very good news! Lately the gallon and a half is completely gone by then. The little piggies polished of almost all the pellets though. Better get out there and give them some more before they go all cannibal on each other!
Thank you, I will check it out
Sounds perfect for him, everything i have read, he needs an injectable and the wound drained ugh
glad he is still small, maybe 60-70 pounds. hopefully they make it that way too. The vet offices around here sure aren't very helpful!
Thank you, I will check it out
Sounds perfect for him, everything i have read, he needs an injectable and the wound drained ugh
glad he is still small, maybe 60-70 pounds. hopefully they make it that way too. The vet offices around here sure aren't very helpful!
The Denagard comes in liquid, injectable, and powered in a huge bag, so check for what kind you are buying. Not sure if you can inject the liquid form or if it's just for oral use. There have to be other swine friendly antibiotics available. Vets generally won't give advice over the phone unless they have already seen the patient client pig. You need to talk to a farmer. Too bad there's no Backyard Piggies site. Probably worth it to have a vet come out for something like that. It might need a drain put in before it can heal, even if you give antibiotics.
There is a backyard herds, going to check it too
ya its a little pricy, but i don't mind if it works! so far i can't find the injectable at all here in the states so I will go to the hog farmer south of us tomorrow, hope he is a nice guy. Jeffers doesn't show it at all, but i found a valley vet that does have the water soluble.Everything i am reading is saying oxytetracyclene is the best choice for wounds. Most of the vet offices are saying they don't do livestock ugh! someone has to? So I am going to talk to a few people in person...
no new hatches by 6 am. but lots of peeping coming from those eggs, and Peach is peckish this morning, so it must be close!

ACW, if she wants to hatch more eggs, it will be a pleasure to give her more, I would really like to have her hatch some of her own eggs, but she has to start laying again for that to happen. my friends who have 6 of the original gang want to bring up some green eggs... they took two of each, BR, RIR and EE, but one of the 2 EE's turned out to be a roo, so they want more colored egg layers...

I sure do wish I could just stay home again today... but at least I will be home really early!
ROGER !!!.....ROGER!!!!.....It is just a PIE. Not worth killing all of your sisters over a PIE. Besides your going to choke to death if you don't slow down you little HOG!!
no new hatches by 6 am. but lots of peeping coming from those eggs, and Peach is peckish this morning, so it must be close!

ACW, if she wants to hatch more eggs, it will be a pleasure to give her more, I would really like to have her hatch some of her own eggs, but she has to start laying again for that to happen. my friends who have 6 of the original gang want to bring up some green eggs... they took two of each, BR, RIR and EE, but one of the 2 EE's turned out to be a roo, so they want more colored egg layers...

I sure do wish I could just stay home again today... but at least I will be home really early!
Just like Christmas waiting to see what you get. Glad your having so much fun with it

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