Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

I'm posting just so I can "subscribe" to this thread. It always has me laughing and I don't want to loose it. I'm in the waiting period with my 21 week old production reds.

Lindz, that is beautifully done, I would stain it to seal it....I bought paint for one of my coops and its a green color...I worry that it will chip or somehow not be good for the chickens...crazy lady I am.

I took pictures to share of this mornings going on...

he looks so happy doesn't he?

Building nesting boxes on the old shed conversion...

I interupted Tommy three times while she tried to lay...every time she would run out of the nesting box so fast I didn't even see her...she ran down the ramp (thats when I would know who it was) out the coop and around the shed. She is so flighty. I had to feed her treats to make her come back and calm down.

After that I was screwed....Happy Hen Treats for all.

The New Additions..MC do you still think the yellow is a girl?

Decided to cut some celery and prep it for freezing.

Chilling in my garden...brought it in with my celery by accident...had to let it go once I noticed. My brother in law was holding it for the picture.

What is the black and blue chicken? A wyandotte???
I'm bumming. lost Violet today. (RIR who went broody in Spring...) I came in to answer the non-stop ringing phone to find out what the heck was so darn important... it was my friend and it was for nonsense, and I told her I had to go... but it's my fault for not interrupting her for the umpteenth time to say... I HAVE to go... not sure what the heck happened to Violet, but there is no sign of her anywhere, there was no commotion during the almost 15 minutes I was not watching them. I've searched for the past hour, not a feather to be found. she was acting a bit broody again for the last couple of days, but she did go out to range... I was hoping she sneaked off looking for a better nest, but I don't think so. stinks.

So sorry. Keeping fingers crossed that something (a hawk) may have scared her and she is in hiding. It seems they'll stay scared and hide for a while.

A BYC friend that lives close by just lost her favorite rooster (jubilee orpington) in a fight with a bobcat. Cat did not get it's meal, but rooster lost his life. At least she knows what she's up against and is having someone to come trap it.

she didn't come back. I've searched... it's dark. if she had the capacity to come back she would have by now... my other RIR Rose knows she missing. everyone else was roosting, she was still standing by the door. I'm so very sad. it was so bright and sunny... makes no sense. Chester was out on his line most of the day... woofing... you'd think that would be enough to keep the fox or whatever away....

she didn't come back. I've searched... it's dark. if she had the capacity to come back she would have by now... my other RIR Rose knows she missing. everyone else was roosting, she was still standing by the door. I'm so very sad. it was so bright and sunny... makes no sense. Chester was out on his line most of the day... woofing... you'd think that would be enough to keep the fox or whatever away....

Sorry cheeka.
i think she was referring to the darker bird, which is an Andalusian? the black with the blue highlights... I could be wrong...(about which bird she was asking about and the Andalusian part...)

thanks W4W and everyone... it sure is a bummer
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Okay so I ordered Rhodebars and week they shall come...waiting on eggs!

So Hubby is wonderful and he and I are actually headed to Home Depot tonight to go buy some screws and some of that plastic roofing stuff that I see so many people have on here :) He wants to cover the baby chicks with it and a section of the run from the big girls place.

Tommy is a splash andalusian and YES the breed is so flighty ...she is the one I chased through the snow last winter in the middle of the night. We almost had tommy for dinner the next day. She is also the one that my dog picked up that day. I feel kind of bad for her because she actually has become a regular layer and a good chicken but she just acts like a road runner. Smarter than most of the girls though.

The second to the left ? Not the one in the back right? That is a GLW and I call her Charlotte...her lace reminds me of webs. I love how the sun hits her and she just shines. She is the only girl who didn't get sick that time in June. The one thing I wish I could capture on the camera is the coloring in the two black girls (jersey and australorp)..the green sheen on them is gorgeous.

Yes, she's the one. So pretty. I have a SLW that is more splotchy than laced. Her name is Grumpus because she reminds me of a grump.

I'm not grumpy, I just don't like them, or you, or here. It looks way better over there.

You are getting Legbars!
I have egg envy.

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