Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Thank you all! I am happy to read all these comments describing 'my ladies', lol, really makes me feel better to know my ladies will be laying soon. One is dancing and 2 are now talking up a storm, our wait for the first egg goes on...
It's not like i'm not getting any eggs. It's just these are EE. I want some pretty colored eggs. Lol
it's coming, another month, month and a half probably at most... probably

EE's are notorious for being the last to lay
15 Eggs today! the littlest chick is getting wing feathers, although they are very hard to see... it being a Silie and all...

outside of the finishing work like quarter round at the base of the cabinets and lowering the feet on the fridge so it fits under the upper cabinets... the floor is finished! I love it! it feels very inviting... I want to call someone to come over for a supper of bacon and eggs and a pot of decaf...
Ooooo.... nice! I want to go sock skating in your kitchen.

I think Silie is the perfect name.

Here is my question to you girls. After searching for several years to find the perfect centerpiece for my formal dining room table I finally found what I consider the perfect centerpiece. It matches the blinds and the trim perfect. My question is should I drill a hole in the table to run the cords thru the table or just let them hang over the side of the table and plug them into a extension cord. I have a brown extension cord. (I know better than to use a orange one). Your thoughts please.
Love the new centerpiece. I like cheeka's idea about the cord going straight up (and decorated). Then there's no cord to trip over.

I think you should give broody BR 6 eggs and 6 eggs for the broodybator. That way it will be a fair test, but she can raise them all.

You people are interesting. SullyD, congrats on the first egg. Crushed or not.
I canned for the first time today. Dill pickles. Both slices and spears. It wasn't that hard, but I wish someone would have reminded me about the yellow nails, fingers, sink etc. It came off the counters okay. The utensils (wood, glass and plastic) are still yellow. I am confused since even the Ball brand funnel is stained, I would think it would be resistant. Soon after taking the jars out of the bath, one lid was still moving. By the time I was done, I had one more, and a kinda. Now they are all tight. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to wait to flip out about seals right away, or after the 12 hour cool down. Playing on their site, it said after the 12-24 hour cool down. So, with all lids looking firm now, I am feeling better. I will remove the rings tomorrow, and test the seal to be sure.
The site and instructions say to only store on the shelf one year. I was looking at another site that was talking about meat, and said five years. Is it because meat is pressure canned?
Haven't tried pickles. Blackberry jam (seedless) is the favorite around here and everything gets stained purple. I remember my mom using paraffin wax to seal the jam because she didn't trust the seals either!

It's not like i'm not getting any eggs. It's just these are EE. I want some pretty colored eggs. Lol
The boys say the pretty ones taste better!

Speaking of lifetime commitments, I am giving away my 4 CL roosters tomorrow to a friends dad that is going to eat them (good thing I named them Piccata, Marsala, Kiev, and Parmesan!). So this is the first time for me doing this. I know others process them and send them to freezer camp. I know it will get easier to do, since I never thought I would do it at all and now I am. But am I the only one that feels so darn guilty??
You are not alone.
Congrats on your second non-squished egg.

I like this. I have a couple of Yup dogs.
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Thank you all! I am happy to read all these comments describing 'my ladies', lol, really makes me feel better to know my ladies will be laying soon. One is dancing and 2 are now talking up a storm, our wait for the first egg goes on...

Lots of good company here waiting it out for eggs. What breed of girls do you have?
Thank you all! I am happy to read all these comments describing 'my ladies', lol, really makes me feel better to know my ladies will be laying soon. One is dancing and 2 are now talking up a storm, our wait for the first egg goes on...
and to the waiting game :) Best Wishes.

OK...I think you will find that Roger will want some of those eggs from Broody, and she will take four and even the score. It will be you vs Broody vs Her

Let the Games Begin :)

I went to the wonderful wedding tonight In Queens at the County Farm Museum...Two Huge chicken coops that I was awesome. They got married in between corn and sunflower fields. The table centerpieces were wood cutting blocks with canning jars filled with sunflowers and loose lemons. Everyone wore boots and jeans ...was a blast.
The kids didn't want to leave because the dancing and food was so good.

We had seven eggs today. Still the big girls didn't lay. I picked them up kitten food. Cheeka are you giving them dry food that had the 20% protein? I went through three aisles of canned cat food reading the labels and couldn't find anything over 13% even for kittens. I ended up with three big cans like that and a bag of 34% protein dry kitten food. I found one that was 42% but I don't even pay that much for my cats food
. It was like $17 for two pounds. Might as well just go buy them some steak at the store .
I have 2 Golden Sex Links, Henrietta is dancing and rambling, I think she will be first & Harriet. 2 Buff Orpingtons, Sweetheart is kinda dancing & talking (maybe she's just quieter but definitely not as much of a sweetheart as she was, lol) & Scarlet O'Hara. 2 Andalusians, Twinkle Toes is talking, & Charlotte. And 3 Silkies, Angelina, Bernadette & Pearl. I had a 4th Silkie chick but he was a roo, Fluffernutter went to live in someone else's coop but unfortunately he and his 6 new girlfriends were recently taken by the circle of life by a fox :'~( Anyway, anticipation continues to build. Thanks for the well wishes! Maybe I will find an egg today...
Speaking of lifetime commitments, I am giving away my 4 CL roosters tomorrow to a friends dad that is going to eat them (good thing I named them Piccata, Marsala, Kiev, and Parmesan!).  So this is the first time for me doing this.  I know others process them and send them to freezer camp.  I know it will get easier to do, since I never thought I would do it at all and now I am.  But am I the only one that feels so darn guilty??

You are not alone. I gave one of my chicks away who turned out to be a rooster (a Silkie named Fluffernutter), to someone who offered to take him and put him in with his 6 pullets. A fox got them. He still has 2 turkeys and other chickens that he has had for years. Talk about feeling quilty. He felt horrible. I felt horrible, then I saw a dead fox along the road, still hoping it was the one who got innocent young chickens. I keep repeating (to make me feel better) what my daughter said, "Mother, it is the circle of life. Don't be upset." I will add, a few days later, she was extremely upset when we watched our 2 dogs get a dumb rabbit that got into our fenced backyard. I'm not cold or heartless but couldn't help to think, yes, one less rabbit to eat my plants and reproduce. I did mention it to her afterwards and reminded her, of her reply to me, when she found out about my rooster (about the circle of life). She didn't think it was the same. I said, you're right, the chickens were pets and were where they were supposed to be. The rabbit squeezed through a fence, into a fenced in yard with 2 dogs. You are right, it's not the same, the rabbit didn't have to go in. (In case you're wondering, my daughter is 23)
I feel for you and understand your feelings. You are not alone. :~)

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