Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

...... Enough said.............................
Plecckkk! That just sounds disgusting! I just hope mine aren't poo eaters!! I don't care so much about the puppy eating theirs cuz I don't do puppy kisses ( they lick their bums!).
I agree! Not only do they attend to their nether regions, they also eat whatever dead things they find, after rolling on it first!

Oh and to answer an earlier question, yes Ninja does lay a bluish green egg

How funny!! Ninja doesn't care for the meal worms lol I threw a couple down and she raced over and grabbed one, spit it out (did tis about 3 times) then stomped on it and walked away giving me a look like " really mom!!??"!! Everyone else looked happy as clams!
I have an EE and 2 Ameraucanas. They seem to have slightly different taste in treats. Bread type treats are ignored, but tomatoes get gobbled and they are nuts for greens.

Quote: Welcome to another Californian!
Are you North or South? (Or central valley, mountain, desert?) Hope you can get the city ordinances changed. More chickens for everyone!!!
Actually they will be 16 wks July 1st and I could see my RSL going sometime in July but I think my ameracaunas are going to make me sweat it out possibly another 8 weeks from then. I bet they wait til they're 24 weeks.
30. i betcha. 30 weeks.

I see that Cheeka can agree (as I am sure all women can!) that the most powerful words are not "I love you" "I hate you" or even "I am sorry". The three most powerful words are, "I am coming"
for with these words, you find the energy to do more cleaning than you have been able to get done in a week!
you ain't kidding!!!!!!!!!

I don't mind them licking my hands, unless they have been eating poop. I usually have paper cuts or something and I don't want their affection to spread infection
Lori (my name is Lori too
), I just discovered last night that at least one of my ladies is a poo eater but they were all trying to grab it away from her. I was totally disgusted by it! But I posted here to ask about and was told that it is normal. Gross but normal.
Does the thrill of getting eggs ever become routine with you all? I sure hope not! I have fun getting eggs from the big girls already but can not wait until my other girls start to lay!!
I'm still relatively new to chickens, got our 4 adopted hens about 7 weeks ago, but nope, I still get super excited every time I open the nesting box door and find eggs.
In fact the other day I didn't have my contacts in yet and went out. Saw something, got really excited only to find out when I picked it up that it was the golf ball that we put in the nesting boxes to remind them what to do in there during a recent moult.

Dude down the road leaves out cat food so I swung by there. OK gets his panties in a wad but hey it is free food. I'm back home now. OK seemed pretty put out because it was after dark. But I know my way home.
Where's Mine???

...... Enough said............................. except...12 Eggs today, only from the Dome. Broody is doing great, but no one else in the Fosters laid, but they were in the dogloo, I saw them. thinking about it.
I agree!  Not only do they attend to their nether regions, they also eat whatever dead things they find, after rolling on it first!  :sick

I have an EE and 2 Ameraucanas.  They seem to have slightly different taste in treats.  Bread type treats are ignored, but tomatoes get gobbled and they are nuts for greens. 

Welcome to another Californian!  :frow    Are you North or South?  (Or central valley, mountain, desert?)  Hope you can get the city ordinances changed.  More chickens for everyone!!!  :cd
Thank you! I'm in the Central Valley. In Tulare County between Fresno and Bakersfield.
Our city council meeting will be Tues night. Many prayers going up!!!!

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