Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Nice! I just have the three that squat though if any of the ameracaunas were I wouldn't know. I don't bother chasing them around to see. I only know about Maggie because she is always following me around.

Penny finally came out and left her gorgeous pink calling card. What is that color, mauve? Used to be all the rage lime in the early 90s? Brownish pink.

We now finally have a half dozen. I think this makes about 18 total eggs we have gotten so about $5 worth going by what I pay for farm fresh eggs. Lovely. Only about $800 to go til we break even.

Here is a Pic. Penny's are on the top and Wilson's are on the bottom

Wilsons have white speckles so far. Not sure if she will keep laying the. Like that or if she will start making them smoother at some point. For now it makes hers east to identify.
Mom was so proud she made us two pies
So we gave her a mighty surprise
After a big day of laying nine
We then laid eight, which was might fine!

Eight, eight, hurray for eight

Either I have a very prolific Polish layer, which I have heard is kind of unusual, my Leghorn is laying peanut sized eggs. We have been getting either one a day or every other day for the past week. You can see on my skelter how much smaller they are:

@mortie Yea for 2 eggs! One step at a time! Adorable kids!!!!

What is in your pie?
TN - what chicken is giving you the dark brown eggs? I have a cuckoo marans that hasn't laid yet, and I'm hoping hers will be darkish brown.

FIrst times with the kids seem happy/sad, don't they? I remember my 3rd going to kindergarten, I practically shoved him out the car door, lol! Quite a different experience! Just kidding, I walked him in and did the rituals. Then went home and celebrated the empty house. Until I started missing them...

Mortie - 2 eggs, nice! Ameracaunas and EE's must be similar in that that are hard to touch or catch. My Betty is ridiculously fast, like a really big flea.

PMan - I have 3 squatting, only one laying. Any day now, I hope!
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I never cried at first days of school. I am always happy that my kids are progressing normally and they are happy and healthy and live in a place where they have access to decent schools where they are safe. I try to look forward to the good things that are coming instead of being sad about it.

Speaking of safe. I see Steven has decided to make an appearance today. No chicken din er foe you today, Steve.
IM scared for school! im going into school :/.... it is stressful... Last year i won most destinguished Male student! I hope i do it again! i got all A's the whole year! I hope i have a good year! I will miss my chickens
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What is in your pie?
I made them some oatmeal (just the plain Quaker oatmeal that comes in the canister) and I used a boiled egg for the eyes. The rest were scraps...pepper tops (sweet peppers) for the nose, mango slice for the mouth, and lettuce for hair. I put them on paper plates. I make my girls two since there are 10. They share pretty well, but I wanted to make sure there was enough to go around. The plates were empty in 30 minutes.

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