Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Barred Rocks are known for their evil ways. They will never lay!
In seriousness, if they are from a hatchery, expect an egg any day. I think all of my hens began by 18 weeks except the Heritage Marans. They were 22 weeks.
My Barred Rocks give me an egg a day without fail. So do my Partridge Rocks, Columbian and Silver Laced Wyandottes and Blue Andalusians. Maybe it is a competition thing with my girls. 20 hens = 18 eggs each day so someone is slacking but they probably deserve a day off now and then.
My girls are going through a light moult and the 6 of them are still laying 5-6 eggs a day. I know a lot of you are still waiting for eggs, so I know this will sounds weird, but I kind of wish they would slow down some to give their little bodies a rest. They have been faithful egg machines for well over a year now and deserve a break. Does anybody else ever feel the same way, or am I just nuts?
3 eggs so far today. We've had some pretty bad storms here lately and I haven't noticed a change in laying...usually 4ish eggs a day. The other day we had 3 but then yesterday we had 5. Only 2 more girls to go today and we'll have 5. I'm not sure if Shadow will ever start laying. And I'm not sure what I'll do with her if she doesn't!
it's a gorgeous day today - been alternating between household chores and chilling out in the yard with the flock. poor little Gossamer was down to 2 eggs last night. I'm sure it's because she won't kick the youngin's out of her nest. anyway, the last 2 must have been gone this morning because Gossy was roaming the yard. I went to make sure they really weren't there, and she about beat me back to the nest - so she's still very broody. I gave her Peach's eggs and set up the door. she has her own food and water and complete privacy, lots of room to move around and she should poop toward the front so I can remove it easily... I'll give her the option of coming out to the pen during free range, give everyone else the boot and close the door...

congrats on the newest egg layers!
Our Buff Orpingtons are still laying little eggs. They have been laying for a month now-when will they begin laying larger eggs? Anyone?
Originally Posted by JW12

I'm not sure I know what size eggs they are supposed to lay. How small are the eggs?
BOs are supposed to eventually lay large eggs. And they should lay around 3 eggs a week.
If I don't do artificial lighting do you think I will have to wait until spring?

barred rocks are winter layers--they will lay some eggs with low light. There is enough time for your pullets to start laying and if they do they will continue laying over the winter and into next fall. Then they will molt, 1.5 years old for the first molt.

Thank you Ronott, I love my chickens and sometimes get impatient, but they are healthy and happy and that is what matters. I love when they follow me around the yard chatting and telling me about their day!
Before returning t the house tonight, I asked the turkeys f they needed anything. They gobbled. I asked if they were okay then. They gobbled. I find turkeys very amusing! also find that looking at them makes me hungry.
This city girl sure is changing!
1 from the Leghorns
3 from the brown layers
1 or more broken eggs
0 from the horses
0 from the cats
0 rom the dogs
0 rom the unicorns
0 from the goats

I am having way too much fun with that. I will stop.

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