Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Stupid question but what does close the flock mean? Does it mean you don't bring any more birds in or hatch any more?

It means you don't bring any more chickens in or sell any. Or allow someone else who has chickens near your birds.

Its usually done when you have some sick chickens and don't want to spread the contagion.

Or inversely you have a healthy flock and don't want to bring in an illness. If you have a healthy flock you can increase the flock by hatching your own chicks from the hens in the flock.
But remember chicks can get sick from an illness that older chickens aren't showing signs of having. So you have to be sure the older ones are healthy.
Wow... this thread has been quite informative today.

TWO!! Nugget and Smoke were the layers today.
ahh W4W that's such a bummer!

Brutus and I have something special. I've never had a pet relationship quite like it and I've had some amazing pet relationships!! I should teach him tricks. he could learn to play the toy piano...he's precious. for an OEGB, it might be a rare quality. he can kick it up though... he'll run off the other bantams (except Dutch) but he'll quit it if I call his name. he's smitten with me. I hope he never changes... and at this stage, he's over 18 months, I think he's pretty well established, temperament wise...

long work day for me so I didn't get home in time to let them out - it was really windy we had a nice evening meal and I collected 12 Eggs.
This morning I woke up to two pips. One is on the wrong end but looks like it broke through the outer shell so I'm hopeful.

I'm going to head home from work at lunch so I can get the brooder set up and keep my eye out. I might just widen the hole a little if no progress is made. I told myself I wasn't going to assist on any but this is the first I've had pip on the the wrong end.
Brrrrrr. Its chilly here this morning! Its like someone flipped a switch. Harriet had all the babies out eating but she was standing in the dish and they were under her eating. I didn't take my phone with me so I couldn't get a picture. They are all doing good as far as I could tell. There was a soft egg broken in the nest box this morning. Not sure if it's one of the new layers or one of the older girls. I will have to check the oyster shell when I go back down later. I'm pretty sure it is still pretty full but just in case.
I got a softshell egg today, too. This one wasn't like the soft shells I have had before, which were really better described as super THIN shelled. This one was like leather. It had been eaten, unsurprisingly.

I accidentally left the clean out door to the coop open last night. I left it open after removing the feeder from the coop to clean it and just forgot to close it. The girls went to bed like normal and this morning I looked outand saw them all poking around the run like usual. Then I looked out again 5 minutes later and saw shadow wandering around outside the run. I realized right away I"d left the door open. Good thing there were no predators prowling around last night!

I still have not seen the hawk since I've been back from vacation. The girls have been happily ranging many hours most days.

I am very depressed that the season that must not be named is coming though :( I bought a heated waterer. Hopefully it works well!
Oh yes, I am well versed on Sally Sunshines guidance. If I help at all it'll just be to make an air hole since it's at the wrong end. And then I'll put back to wait for another little bit. I helped last time for 2 chickies. Not sure if I needed to or not but I went very slow and only made a couple of "helping" zips. Here's hoping to me going home and finding progress!

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