Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Wow thats a scary thing to experience, so glad to hear she is ok!.
I crashed my first bike at 14 years old, broke ribs and crushed a lung. My Dad was there right behind me, we were riding dirt bikes. My uncle was killed in a bike accident, it was my Dads brother. Dad saw his wreck and was with him when he passed. My wreck scared Dad so much sold all the bikes after I wrecked mine... he said its just too dangerous to risk anyone else's lives, time to stop! DH and I go out occasionally but Dad hates it, Its still a thrill for me to feel that freedom. I don't tell Dad we still ride ours, even though Its been 37 years since my wreck lol.
That's a long time to be in a cast! She had to have surgery, didn't she? She must be thrilled to get her arm back.

Few years back, my brother in law hit some gravel and laid his bike down, mostly on his ankle. Broke other miscellaneous bones too. Took surgery and lots of rehab for him to walk normally again. Scariest part was when he was air transported from Maui to a bigger hospital in Honolulu, he almost died from an undetected punctured lung. Much to his wife's chagrin, he still rides.

Oh my, yea lungs are kinda fragile. But its the ride... its hard to not love it.

Frankie and Johnny!
Love the modern games too, but don't have any. Maybe some day. Sounds like you have streamlined to what works for you. We let the Seramas hatch and raise some chicks this spring and now those offspring are practically wild. I won't do that again. I'd rather raise the chicks and have them tame. Maybe I will move some of them into the garage for a while to tame them down a bit. Oh, well, as soon as I move the 3 large pullets (2 orps and a marans) out of the garage! They are almost as big as the big girls, but I am waiting for the baby peeps to stop before moving them in with the mob. Did you know that some people actually park cars in their garage? Imagine that!
ROFL not in our garage, I got dibbs
he has the big pole barn. I don't like brooding chicks under hens at all, they wind up as wild birds. I have hatched soo many. The brooded chicks are always a big problem to socialize with people. I hatch, socialize and keep them imprinted to people out of the incubator and know every chick that way too.
Hello Min and welcome! I had seen you several times and figured you were reading through. Sorry about your losses to the fox. Your pullets are so pretty! I wish our Ameraucanas had crests like your Araucanas. They look dressed for a party! Biscuit the crazy Leghorn has calmed down quite a bit. Must be hormone changes as she has quit laying completely. Stopped cold one day, and with the exception of a single egg about 3 weeks later, has not laid since. I miss her big exotic white eggs. [COLOR=FF8C00]Can Zazzles come for a sleepover? Promise I won't teach her any bad habits.[/COLOR]
Mum says Biscuit and Roger are welcome to come, we get mash potato and peas or corn on the cob most mornings, Yum! If there isn't enough food where you two are, get access to the web and book some plane tickets, the only problem here is the rain....... But hey it's an excuse not to lay eggs. :)

Yes W4W, we put the tree up Friday night. Hubby's grandpa brought it Thursday morning and the kids wouldn't leave us alone until we put it up. If I had to go get it we would still be waiting. Lol!
That's a long time to be in a cast! She had to have surgery, didn't she? She must be thrilled to get her arm back.

Few years back, my brother in law hit some gravel and laid his bike down, mostly on his ankle. Broke other miscellaneous bones too. Took surgery and lots of rehab for him to walk normally again. Scariest part was when he was air transported from Maui to a bigger hospital in Honolulu, he almost died from an undetected punctured lung. Much to his wife's chagrin, he still rides.

She had surgery for a broken radius. 7 weeks later, they found that the ulna was our of joint from a detached ligament. Surgery re attached the ligament and then 8 weeks of cast. She is just starting to get the joint to move again.

She says she will ride again too.
Well we have quite a bike riding crew here!!! I have a bike too but it's powered by my legs only!!! Too chicken to go much faster!!!

Hugs to all!!

Glad to see you back JChny!

Happy birthday Abby!! Want a fun age she's going into! I love the 4-8 yr old range!!!
Well we have quite a bike riding crew here!!! I have a bike too but it's powered by my legs only!!! Too chicken to go much faster!!!

Hugs to all!!

Glad to see you back JChny!

Happy birthday Abby!! Want a fun age she's going into! I love the 4-8 yr old range!!!

Shew I have 3 in that age range Clindz! And a 2.5 year old too! I loveit though.... and truth be told I would love to have another one, but can't. :(

I got one egg yesterday and 3 today.I'm going to go ahead and worm everybody since egg #'s are so low. I'm planning on using the poultry stuff that you add to the feed. I think it is Rooster booster brand or something like that..... have any of you guys used it?
Wow thats quite a bit to recover from, but I understand how she feels. Its pretty awesome to ride.

Yes W4W, we put the tree up Friday night. Hubby's grandpa brought it Thursday morning and the kids wouldn't leave us alone until we put it up. If I had to go get it we would still be waiting. Lol!
Beeeeeautiful! I am so jealous
We still put a lil tree up, but there are no grandkids yet for us. So all of the young adults go their separate directions and its usually us and my parents. We also go over and see Brads parents Christmas eve. My nephew has 2 kids, but they spend Christmas at home, thats how it should be. Let the kids enjoy what Santa brings!
Really miss the thread! Thanks its good to be able to read it again. Cheeka I can't believe the house is still on the market, so beautiful there. W4W how are the adorable lil Serama? Hope you are getting much needed rain.

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