Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Opinions are like bottoms...
A meal in a truck stop has gone up in the past month. $3-5/person! That means $450 a week for the two of us to eat twice a day. Add drinks in the truck, and you see why canning is a must. I buy groceries, and cook in the truck (I've mentioned that) but meat goes bad in a cooler, I can't properly wash my hands after handling it, and we can only get to a Walmart once in a while. Maybe every two weeks we find one.
Canning is going to be a life saver. And a time consuming thing. Once I get back in the truck (two weeks) I will only have three days to get the food to can and get it processed when we get home each time. Maybe I'll have a canning party!! Maybe I'll have to buy a Presto from the store, and have two going at the same time. Since all meat is canned the same, I can at least do it all in the same batch.
I used to can vegetables, but have never tried meat. Love home canned green beans and tomatoes...
SIX yesterday!! Penny was the lone hold out.

FOUR today!!!!

I sold 2 more dozen eggs and have 1 more in the fridge. Woo Hoo!!!
YEAH Scrambles!

I ended up with 3 yesterday by the end of the day. Only one more RIR to start, then all four will be laying!

Do the eggs get bigger over time?

I have one hen that lays a pretty dark egg, the others are about the same color. Do Red Sex links and RIR normally lay the same color?
They can lay all different colors, as evidenced by the fact that Scrambles RSL lays a much darker egg than my RSL. I have a RSL and what I think are 2 production reds or new sorta similar to a RIR. Each of those 3 lays a slightly different color of egg and Ican tell the difference most of the time. My RSL lays the lighest.

4 so far today. 3 brown and 1 blue. I'm not holding out for a second blue today.
YEAH Scrambles!

I ended up with 3 yesterday by the end of the day. Only one more RIR to start, then all four will be laying!

Do the eggs get bigger over time?

I have one hen that lays a pretty dark egg, the others are about the same color. Do Red Sex links and RIR normally lay the same color?
It depends a bit on how old they are when they start laying eggs. If the first egg is normal and at 20 to 25 weeks old, the eggs will get bigger with each lay set. Usually they will lay between 2 and 5 egg, take a day off and then start a new set with slightly bigger eggs. This goes on for a couple of months and the eggs will stay the same shape and size until after the first molt. The eggs will be bigger after the first molt.

Brown is a coating and is determined by about 15 different gene combinations. The different shades depend on the genes that the pullet has. From the first egg to molt is an egg laying cycle. The eggs will usually be darkest during the first part of the cycle and will lose color over the cycle. After the molt, the eggs will go back to being darker again.

Congratulations on getting new layers!
Lindz - are you using the ap or the web browser?

And, since it's been a while...

Us chickens are chilly
It's gotten quite cold
We thought winter was over
It's getting a bit old.
Hedwig is molting
So when we count
the fruit of our ovaries
we leave her out!
Mom said she had treats
She said she had pie
So we each got her something
Today, we laid FIVE!



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