Should I buy eggs or wait it out?


For some strange reason, I can't stop staring at this.

It's like Hypnotoad on Futurama.......LOL IT"S HYPNOHEN.....

When I got home from work, I went to the flock, deciding if I was going to let them out or not... clouds moving in, calling for rain in spots (we did get a little) but I had to run for the camera! Mama Gossy did it! I see a face peeking out of her fluff! couldn't wait to see more, but I dashed so I could take pics!

I rewarded her with some chick grit and crumble and millet seeds and these 4 joined her, she still has the one peeking out from behind, so I know I have 5...

oh! 8!!!

Mama Cressa is still glued to her clutch with only 2 hatched. but those 2 are fine... she rarely shows both at the same time.

I couldn't leave Gossamer alone til tomorrow, so I dug out the hatched shells and guess what?? 100% hatch! she's a wiggling mass underneath, but it must be much more roomy and less sharp now that the shells are gone! I can't wait for morning!!!!!!!!!

all but one is a Silkie mix. one egg was Neffy's... a couple of them have vaulted skulls, I will see them all tomorrow even if it takes all morning! before she went broody and I separated her, she was living with Brutus and Dutch. she would flirt with, follow and squat for Royce who... thank goodness, never mounted her that I could ever see. he was always polite and looked after her but would just stand at her side when she would squat. she's absolutely tiny next to him!
but, she was out in free range, was mounted by the large fowl cockerel, but he wasn't even 6 months old yet, I question his fertility... and Red, would of course make his way over from time to time. but I have not had the light colored chicks home hatched before. this should be a lot of fun to see if we can figure out who the various Dad's are...
Yeah. One of my easter eggers is mad at me for taking pictures. Once I gave them a bunch of treats (bread and grapes; they're favorite) she quieted down a bit. Of course, she still had to poop on my (new) shoes. Great morning.

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