Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

You really should record that scream...use it as a ringtone :) or just to scare away unwanted visitors....or play it back to roger and scare the eggs out :)
More than likely she wants pie now and has changed her mind from her earlier vote...
You really should record that scream...use it as a ringtone :) or just to scare away unwanted visitors....or play it back to roger and scare the eggs out :)
More than likely she wants pie now and has changed her mind from her earlier vote...
It would make a great civil defense siren for a small town.
FIVE.....Today we laid FIVE......Thanks to trouble maker Roger
......we only laid FIVE
I too have spent HOURS reading this thread. Learned alot, sighed alot, laughed a whole lot. But now I know how waiting for the first eggs can drive you crazy. The girls have started laying just this week. Small and cute. One was shell less (on the poop board, of course). Now I realize not to freak out about alot of things I was freaking out about. I have to thank all of you for making my chicken raising experience a enjoyable one!
gainke10! I'm still waiting..............and waiting...........Wilma followed me all over the yard today bawking away, and did the stomp stomp squat routine 4 times... then she followed me into the house (I was getting feed), found the bag of safflower seeds and happily helped herself and kept me company while I scooped food... now I have to make sure I always close the door behind me, she knows where the stash is... I told her she could this time, but I expect an egg tomorrow. whaddya think my odds are???
My Dear Miss Roger Give Me A Break
Your Acting Broody But I Know Its Fake
If You Were Broody You Would Sit All Day
Not Run For The Nest When I Head That Way
I Got Your Number Your Actions Don't Lie
A Cold Day In Hell Before You'll Get Pie
So Play Your Game And All Of Your Tricks
You Will Get Pie When I See More Than Six

SIX....Today We Laid SIX. Roger Played Tricks While We Laid SIX
Slim. :) yeah, that's what i figured...
I haven't put any fakes in the nests... i guess i should

My Dear Miss Roger Give Me A Break
Your Acting Broody But I Know Its Fake
If You Were Broody You Would Sit All Day
Not Run For The Nest When I Head That Way
I Got Your Number Your Actions Don't Lie
A Cold Day In Hell Before You'll Get Pie
So Play Your Game And All Of Your Tricks
You Will Get Pie When I See More Than Six

SIX....Today We Laid SIX. Roger Played Tricks While We Laid SIX

Sneaky Roger!

She heads for the nest thinking you'll believe
the eggs are hers that the others leave...
she's hoping to lay one herself someday
and she will, she WILL! come what may!
in the meantime, she sure loves the Pie,
so don't withhold Dad, she won't understand why.
Well, if you ask me they are alot smarter than we all think. Mine will follow me everywhere I go in the yard, until they spot the wooded area in back of our house, then it's "who IS that crazy lady trying to call us in?" I have to rattle a can of treats to get them back. Well I guess they are independent little witch's sometimes. But I still gotta love them. Wilma sounds like she's got it goin on! She will probally go back and tell the other's and you'll have the whole crew in the bag!
I don't question why the hens are laying in a corner. I question why they are suddenly laying so well again (4 eggs today, out of five, and no soft shell!). Is it the oatmeal (I gave them pumpkin this evening too! A whole big one!)?
Anyway, I spent forever yesterday hanging a nest box over the corner they are laying in. It is the right height, and I put an egg in there (though figuring out the nest boxes has never been a problem for them without a dummy egg). All eggs were on the floor. Not really annoying (I think it is cute!) just confusing!

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