should i let my chickens die naturally?

does it seem moraly right to let chicken suffer?

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Have you ever wanted to die.." Say two weeks of some sickness beyond your control.. Or some god awful upbringing.. Or the fact you are blessed with talent of taking life no one should ever have.. I have. Nine weeks in a coma.. crippled when I tried getting out of bed because I felt good. Like a pancake on the floor.. Polio through Scarlet Fever.. and I just wanted to live.. Life is precious, animal, vegetable, mineral.. " And he answered and said unto them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out." Because they were all living things.. as you are as well.. Postscript: My brother who dotes on his animals, put down two dogs I know of because of old age.. Suffering I am sure was the reason or excuse.. I will not do so if it can be avoided! I stand by my words.. Words actually mean things.
You realize animals have NO sense of mortality, right? All they know is if they're content or suffering. By allowing an animal to suffer because YOU fear death is a sin so vile I can't believe you'd even defend it.
Well good for you. as it should be.. I have no animosity towards you.. 'WE' all have 'OUR' perspective.. Some is just out of ignorance. Ignorance is Bliss, remain Blissful and or not. I am pulling for you, nonetheless!
Right, we’re all entitled to our opinions but you’re right and everyone else is wrong. I get it. So you’re saying no animosity but calling me ignorant at the same time. Just wondering - how would Jesus deal with me right now? With love and EVIDENCE. Not believe me bc I say so.. that’s foolishness at its finest. Extraordinary Evidence is required to back up such extraordinary claims. So go ahead an name call - I’ll rely on science and logic... not ancient superstition and hogwash. Goodnight, and god bless.
Hi. I basically agree with you. However, I was wondering. As a vegetarian, why is your line drawn at animals? Plants are genetically modified and grown in ways that really hurt the environment just like factory farmed animals. Plants have been proven to react to stimuli, and form symbiotic complex relationships with animals and other plants. Why is it totally fine to eat a Monsanto tomato, but not a cornish x or an egg? Or why do most people not think twice when they rip an apple from their mother tree and tear it's flesh with their teeth? Or dice an heirloom carrot into 100 pieces? I get really hung up on this. Because plants don't have a nervous system YOU can recognize they are morally free of guilt to eat? Or they don't make noise when you pick/kill them? Either way for one to eat something has to sacrifice its life. That is just the way it is. Whether it is a Waygu or a soy bean. Why is it acceptable to kill plants not animals?
Plants scream.. you just can't hear them scream.. I once attended an abandon apple orchard as a child. I warned everyone they were angry.. you could hear them grown.. and that they were.. Pain is what we caused picking their fruit.. and eating it in their presence. This is not a nice place..
Plants scream.. you just can't hear them scream.. I once attended an abandon apple orchard as a child. I warned everyone they were angry.. you could hear them grown.. and that they were.. Pain is what we caused picking their fruit.. and eating it in their presence. This is not a nice place..
.... which is why I don’t believe in your god. See????
And now I’m realizing that you may not be all there so I apologize....
You realize animals have NO sense of mortality, right? All they know is if they're content or suffering. By allowing an animal to suffer because YOU fear death is a sin so vile I can't believe you'd even defend it.
I defend life because I have taken more life than you can count in a two an one half hours.. unless you have been there.. You would think differently..
.... which is why I don’t believe in your god. See????
And now I’m realizing that you may not be all there so I apologize....
Never said I was all there.. can't claim what is not true.. but can claim the unknown. Better too error on the side of caution than to bite the big one.. Eternity is a long time, even if for only five minutes.
Welcome to Backyard Chickens 🐔 :welcome

it’s a huge moral dilemma but they are here. Chickens hatch everyday for super layers that will lay 300 eggs a year. People in countries worldwide demand eggs. They are a great source of protein.

is it morally right? I don’t think “natural” animals should be bred to be super producers. No. I don’t believe we should be creating monkey- human hybrids for organ transplants or goats with epilepsy so people can have a laugh and get a tender cut of flesh.

It’s a huge tragedy few people think about. It’s also a huge movement that is probably impossible to stop. diminished land, resources and increasing population will increase the likelihood of more “unnatural” breedings of animals to create more moral fissures in our fabric of compassion and kindness. What I do is that I remove myself from that equation. I’m vegetarian and don’t breed for any of the popular ethically ruinous trends like dwarfism and epilepsy. You can protect your heart by not participating in these trends, opening your quarantined spaces to take in suffering animals when they present themselves and spreading kindness wherever you go.
@Awakening Forest do you have heritage breeds? Not super-producers, sort of just the happy medium.
Never said I was all there.. can't claim what is not true.. but can claim the unknown. Better too error on the side of caution than to bite the big one.. Eternity is a long time, even if for only five minutes.
Pascals Wager... then you would have to practice EVERY religion in order to avoid the what if’s.
listen I don’t want to argue with you; I lived 20 years as a Christian and I know the Bible genesis to revelation. So there’s nothing you can say that will light up the epiphany lightbulb over my head - I’ve heard it all. So like I said, goodnight.
Right, we’re all entitled to our opinions but you’re right and everyone else is wrong. I get it. So you’re saying no animosity but calling me ignorant at the same time. Just wondering - how would Jesus deal with me right now? With love and EVIDENCE. Not believe me bc I say so.. that’s foolishness at its finest. Extraordinary Evidence is required to back up such extraordinary claims. So go ahead an name call - I’ll rely on science and logic... not ancient superstition and hogwash. Goodnight, and god bless.
I did not call you ignorant.. I said ignorance is bliss. I'm not right and neither are you.. How would Jesus deal with you? I have no clue.. not my job. I know how I deal with people. that is all.. and never said foolishness as pertaining to you.. and never called you a name other than Sir.. Science changes like the weather in Michigan.. not superstitious.. but have played craps.

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