Should I try and kill this bobcat?

Lol. Humans are no better than them.
I'll shoot the next critter that attempts to kill my livestock. I do believe that makes me better than them.
That makes you worse than them. Killing an animal that wants to eat your animals, so that you can eat them instead.
Even they aren't that bad 🙄
If you are free ranging your animals, the losses are on you. I'm not going to throw an animal to the wolves and then kill the wolves. Take some responsibility.

Now, if you have a secure coop, say, and a large predator still managed to get in-and was killing them before your very eyes- I wouldn't blame you one bit for shooting.
But that isnt the situation here, and it seems to me that a lot of people in these comments are more than a little trigger happy.
If killing a wild animal is to be the solution, you'd best make sure you've exhausted your other options first, is all I'm saying.

That makes you worse than them. Killing an animal that wants to eat your animals, so that you can eat them instead.
Even they aren't that bad 🙄
How does that make me worse? It's 100% legal in my area to kill predators that are actively after my livestock.
They try, they die. Simple.
I keep a couple of killers on the feed bill and they keep the varmints under control.
That's how I deal with the varmints as well. I prefer not to kill the wildlife, but on the rare occasion that they dare to enter, they don't stay around for long.
That makes you worse than them. Killing an animal that wants to eat your animals, so that you can eat them instead.
Even they aren't that bad 🙄
If an animal were to kill a different animal to defend its territory or hunting grounds (Same as a pasture to people they both get there food from it) You would be fine with it. So why is it so bad a if farmers do the same? And by the way the grocery store that we can go to if our chickens get killed would be empty if all the farmers thought like you.
There used to be a large sheep farm in my area. Several hundred acres. 6 strand Electric fencing that would just about knock you off your feet. Coyotes and bobcats had known problem getting past that fence. They killed a lot of sheep. Often killing them while they were lambing. Farmer did everything he could to stop the losses. Your saying it's the farmers fault and he should just let it happen? Farmer smartened up and had me and a few friends start shooting them. Killed well over 100 yotes and probably 30 bobcats on that property over the years. His losses dropped significantly.
Livestock shouldn't be the predators grocery store.
Has your farmer friend ever heard of sheep guardian dogs or donkeys?
If an animal were to kill a different animal to defend its territory or hunting grounds (Same as a pasture to people they both get there food from it) You would be fine with it. So why is it so bad a if farmers do the same?
I don't disagree entirely. I think you may have misunderstood part of where I'm coming from, so I want to highlight this point I made:
Now, if you have a secure coop, say, and a large predator still managed to get in-and was killing them before your very eyes- I wouldn't blame you one bit for shooting.
But that isnt the situation here, and it seems to me that a lot of people in these comments are more than a little trigger happy.
Like I said, I'm not saying we shouldn't ever shoot them- If my animals were in direct danger, I would probably react the same way.
But we shouldn't immediately jump to that, that should be a last resort in my opinion. If someone free ranges their animals, then they are going to end up with losses.
Killing every predator that goes for them is futile and immoral. We have a responsibility to keep the animals in our care safe.
Now, if the boundary was strong, and the birds were in a secure coop/pen/area, then I agree, sometimes there is no avoiding it.
But we'd better make sure that we have tried to prevent it to the best of our ability.
That is my view.

As for:
That makes you worse than them. Killing an animal that wants to eat your animals, so that you can eat them instead.
Even they aren't that bad 🙄
I take this back, it was said more out of emotion than rationality. But I still disagree just the same. This is just my view and not my argument.
To explain what I meant to say, in a more articulate way, I'll answer your question:
If an animal were to kill a different animal to defend its territory or hunting grounds- You would be fine with it. So why is it so bad a if farmers do the same?
Animals do what they have to do to survive, they have instincts, and they can't be selective about the choices they make if they want to thrive.
They also aren't capable of seeing another animal's perspective, they don't often have an understanding of how their prey, or rivals would feel-- they lack the level of empathy that we have.
We also have more control than them, we have boundaries and weapons and farming structures to survive. And we are capable of helping them or opposing them.

If we cause them unnecessary suffering, or kill an animal hunting to feed it's babies, we understand the consequence of our actions.

Which is why- bringing it back to my original point- it isnt ideal. We should have more care with our choices, and only use killing them as a last resort. We ought to do everything we possibly can to keep our animals safe, so that we don't have to act so drastically.

It's irresponsible to throw an animal to the wolves, and then kill the wolves for eating it.
We should do everything we can first.
I'm sorry for the very long reply, but I have to make that clear.

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