Should I Vote These Eggs of the Island?


11 Years
Jun 27, 2011
Sequim, WA
Some of you may have already seen these posted on my thread "Day 7- The Good, The Bad & The Ugly." But I'm really not sure what to think, so I could use your thoughts on these two specifically.

Day 9, and My incubator has developed a smell. It's not an entirely foul (fowl?) smell, it's not horrific, but it's also not something I'd wear as perfume. Kind of a mix of bleach and dirty feet. It's hard to describe. Because this scent is unfamiliar, I'm being extra vigilant about stinky eggs, and if anything looks less than ideal, I'd rather chuck them than risk the very visibly and obviously growing 8 eggs I have left in the incubator.

So here are my eggs in question- should I vote them off the island?



Or should I hang onto them for a few more days and see what they do?

Thanks for your feedback!
I think you should give it another day. Smell the eggs themselves. You'll know by that. Weed out all of the ones that don't look like that others after day 10. If you have suspicious ones---place them FAR away from the other eggs if you can (I had a naughty corner for mine) I had one that looked like a bloodring with NO movement on day 4, 7, and 9...and it has developed. I would have been sad had I removed that one.

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