Show me your quail pens!!!


This is our attempt to Raccoon Proof our pen. The pen is 4wide x 4high x 12long. The 4x4 Wire end of the cage is a Door, for major clean-out. The Baby Quail Pen on the left is separate, made from industrial equipment crates. Haven't used it yet. Butler Bobs for 4 months old and not laying yet.
*****I need some advice on how to tell the boys, they all seem to look alike. They are only cooing and not Bob White calling yet, still to young, I guess. I have raised quail before but I only had Cortunex and Tennessee Reds, These have a totally different look, and they all look the same, surely I didn't hatch all girls.
*****One thing I did I haven't seen on anyone else's cage, Is I added a vinyl window screen panel inside the door opening. I made my main door a drop down door with chains to hold it in place 3/4 open and the window screen keeps the birds from flying out while I change the water jug. I want to change that soon. I did make a feeder via Pvc pipe through the roof. That is a GREAT idea, allows a week of food to be dispensed automatically via a 1 gallon open top round feeder. I used a 4inch pipe and keep a big orange funnel on top of the cage.
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Female on left, male on right.
I finished my second coop. This one is actually an Ikea hack using Gorm shelves - way easier than the first one I made! I had the entire frame put together and painted in one afternoon and the wire mesh added (pain in the butt) in another afternoon. It cost maybe $75 total, if I had bought everything, some I had on hand.

I actually really like the lifting lid, wasn't sure if I would. I can reach everything and I don't have to worry about anyone running out the door plus they seem to stay calmer. I just need to add poop trays underneath (hence the newspaper on the ground).


The other side opens too. They're on Spanish moss if you can't tell what it is - it grows like a weed around here. I still need to level the middle better as you can see if bowing in the pic above.


The frame so you can see the Gorm shelves ($39 at Ikea and I still have half left to make another coop). The sides and legs are the shelves. All the cross pieces are cheap lumber I added for support. Wrap in wire, add a plywood top on hinges and done. Way easier to me than measuring doors and all. (I admit I'm no carpenter!)

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Love all the coop designs. Wish I would have checked here before I built mine. I am picking it apart ! The 2nd one will be better.. lol !



New cage for a sorta new quail person. It has 8 sections I can open or close as I please, 2'x2' per sections, circulating water supply and feeders modified with pipe for less mess and easier feeding. A lot of it was from ideas I saw here.

Pretty cheap too, until I got to the water pump and feeders I think I was well below 100$.
Very nice Tricid
Airy, low maintenance and easy to clean. Exactly what wire do you have for a floor?
What thickness and what spacing? Does the floor have to be rigid?

It's half inch hardware cloth. I'm honestly not sure what Guage, I don't think I had any local options with that. Most of it came from home Depot. I have a new roll left and I can look tomorrow.

The wire is rigid enough on its own but I gave it a cheap wood frame with 1x2 wood, less than a dollar per 8' piece and I used maybe 10 altogether (guessing)

I could do better pics to show how it's put together if you'd like. Low maintenance was the goal lol. The waterers and feeders especially. Messy darn animals.

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