Show off brotherly rooster's!


10 Years
Jun 25, 2014
I have a cold right now and I would really like to see anyone's rooster's that actually get along and thrive well together even in close quarters, and protecting the flock as a organized team!And provide backstory on what they're like and how you got them.:)To start off here is Edward and Alphonse..
iphone pics 041.JPG
They are 28 wk old Buff Orp/EE sexlinks I hatched from my flock this year,although they look white they are actually a creamy gold color.They live in close quarters but have never once attacked one another and work as a tag team when they are protecting their ladies.Edward(left) is the fiery confident protector and Alphonse(right) is the gentle,cool-as-a-cucumber type.They both help diffuse each other with their differing personalities.:)
so pretty!my silkie rooster got along perfectly(to a point)with my amaracauna rooster amaracauna roo was mostly blind and together theiy would watch out for each other and the was soo funny seeing their little butt feathers moving in harmony as theiy strutted their stuff also my little silkie roo would help guide him when theiy were out in the yard,sadly I don't have any pics so I will just let you imagine.
so pretty!my silkie rooster got along perfectly(to a point)with my ameracauna rooster ameracauna roo was mostly blind and together they would watch out for each other and the was soo funny seeing their little butt feathers moving in harmony as they strutted their stuff also my little silkie roo would help guide him when they were out in the yard,sadly I don't have any pics so I will just let you imagine.
They sound like they were adorable together!:loveHow did your americauna boy become mostly blind?and what color were your roo's?:)
I have a budding pair. Their names are Screwy and Screwy Junior (SJ). SJ is Screwy's son and they watch the flock together. When Screwy spots something that disturbs him, he sets off the alarm while SJ makes sure all the hens make it to the brush. Then Screwy makes sure there are no stragglers and him and SJ go and run around the yard and make sure the loners went to the brush as well as the chicks and other roosters before they hide themselves.

(Will try to get pictures tonight)
okay the story about how my amaracauna roo went mostly blind:it was a normal day and it was getting dark out so I went to put my chickens away,and after I had put everybody in the coop and I was shutting the door,clover decided that would be a perfect time to stick head out the door so that he could say good night to the world.and of course, the door got shut on his face,to make it up to him I got up at four in the morning and snuck him into the house and brought him into my bedroom(I am pretty sure my dad noticed the odd bulge underneath the cat I had stolen from him)and whenever he was hungry he would nibble at the air for a piece of wet bread.
and the reason why I said was is because my amaracauna roo,clover,became too mean to any human men who came near him.I still have bear and my amaracauna roo was every color of the rainbow and my silkie roo is black with gold streaks(his girl looks like the one in the picture.
I have a cold right now and I would really like to see anyone's rooster's that actually get along and thrive well together even in close quarters, and protecting the flock as a organized team!And provide backstory on what they're like and how you got them.:)To start off here is Edward and Alphonse..View attachment 1556194 They are 28 wk old Buff Orp/EE sexlinks I hatched from my flock this year,although they look white they are actually a creamy gold color.They live in close quarters but have never once attacked one another and work as a tag team when they are protecting their ladies.Edward(left) is the fiery confident protector and Alphonse(right) is the gentle,cool-as-a-cucumber type.They both help diffuse each other with their differing personalities.:)
You might want to check out @EggSighted4Life .... they have a bunch of Roos from what I understand....

This was Nugget, his brother in the background while they were still fairly young. They had scuffles as all families sharing the same space will. Nugget was my best head roo so far, accepting all the juvenile boys into his stag pen as long as they were introduced while very young before hormones start kicking in. I work too hard to maintain my genetics and don't keep enough ladies to prevent over breeding, so any visits are on a short term basis... moving boys back into their pen daily before they are considered a new comer to the pecking order.

As long as I add them together before one or the other has reached puberty, most get along fine. Yes, I have about 25 cockerels in my stag pen right now! Only the exceptional ones will ever become roosters. I won't allow my boys that young to "protect" the hens... I have better luck growing everybody out and letting them learn some manners first... Had them come after the dogs, and even one after me. They seem to have a better chance at surviving the cone if I allow them to mature first. :)

Silkies have been some of the most evil to each other when raised together... constantly mounting and bickering. :smack Mixed with other breeds, my Silkie boys do a LOT better personality wise! Like someone to keep their little man syndrome in check or something. My current stag pen includes Marans, Spanish, Sussex, Silkies, bantam and large fowl Ameraucana, plus a few crosses. I did get a decent pic of them hanging out recently... I will have to see if I can figure out how to computerize it from my phone. :love

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