Show Off Your American Gamefowl and Chat Thread!!!

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I hope it works out but I honestly wouldn't put too much faith in it dogs have a strong drive that imo will not be broke. If they have it they have it. Luckily my 2 couldn't care less about them. My momma dog used to go sit and watch the chicks in the brooders and I had no problems with her

Now strange cats its on
Yeah man my one Doberman is like that. If it runs its getting chased down lol and he's fast
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3 weeks worth of feed, hopefully
You mix all of that or certain ones get certain stuff?

Ima fast mine today had a front come through and some flash flooding
You mix all of that or certain ones get certain stuff?

Ima fast mine today had a front come through and some flash flooding
Rooster booster pellets + rockin rooster 5 grain scratch for the gamefowl, straight layer pellets for the layers, and there's a bag of chick feed in there too.
fasting has many benefits... in humans and animals.. its a natural process in nature that flushes your system in some sense. Keeps the body lean and bad/weak cells will die off as they compete for resources.
Yup. Will help lose weight through the same process. Not just because no food intake. Should say body fat, not weight
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