Show off your chicken names!!!

Here are mine:

Louis- BO cockerel- When he arrived as a baby I was reading a bio of Louis XIV and I thought "The Sun King" and a BO rooster had a lot in common.

Philipe- Partridge Rock cockerel named after Louis' brother because I'm lazy and it seemed appropriate.

Lucy- BO pullet named after the pretty blonde in Stoker's Dracula

Dolly- Partridge Rock Hen-she is so delicate and pretty that she looks like a child's toy.

Hilda, Esme and Alys- 3 Barred Rock pullets all named after characters in Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels.

Maybe it is a bit early, but I've already named all but 3 of my new chicks:

Blue- My son's Blue Cochin cockerel

Daisy- White Cochin girl

Buttercup- an adorable BO girl who is already bossy- just like The Princess Bride character.

Hyacinth- BO girl who always seems busy and snappish like Hyacinth Bucket in Keeping Up Appearances

Daffodil- BO girl (because her sisters are both named for flowers and she seems sweet and bemused)

Since my oldest PR is Dolly, I was thinking about naming the youngest 3 Molly, Polly and...well, I can't come up with a third "olly".
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Our little flock consists of all hens:

Gimpy and FussButt, BO
Brewenna a mutt
Lacey, Clarissa, Abigail (Abby) and Rita, GSL
Rosie, Rachel and LizzyBeth, BR
April and June, LB

Thanks for posting all of the names. This is really going to come in handy next year when we add another three girls. Don't know why it will be just always seems to be the way it goes.
Sir Charles and Fiona - American Onagadori pair

Spike - EE hen

Fluffy - Lavender Splash Cochin Bantam

Lucky Duck - breed unknown but name came when she got injured and I decided to fix it instead of having her for supper

I have more chickens but they have no names. yet
Our girls are, in pecking order:
1. BC(Barred Rock)Started out meaning Bad Chickie, turned into meaning Best Chicken
2. Boo Hoo(Blue Ameraucana) Because when we first got her she was skittish of us and would run away fussing at us.
3. Barbie, as in BBQ(Black Australorp)You know, Shrimp on the Barbie etc... It's an Australian thing.
4. Peanut Butter(Buff Std Cochin)DS named her this cause she is the color of peanut butter.
5. Cleopatra(Pheonix/OEG cross)She just has the grace and just enough mischief mixed in.
6. Liberty(EE)She is a replacement of a red,white and blue one we were supposed to get and this is what we were going to name it. But she turned out to be a he and now we have named this one Liberty anyway because she has a confidence to her.
7. UC as in Union College(Buff Columbian Cochin bantam) DS named her this because he thought she was the colors of the college DD goes to, black and orange. But she actually shows blue and orange but I'm not going to correct my 11yo on this.
Hope you like the names...
I have an Esme!!! (also from Pratchett... she just looks so much like a witch, I HAD TO!)

Here are mine:
Henny & Penny (Red Stars)
Esme & Fantine (Black Australorps)
Indigo & Sukiyaki (Barred Rocks)
Teriyaki and The Magic Chicken of Alexandria (EEs)

Needless to say, the whole family got into the act of naming them.
Ours are all still too young to name, but the oldest was

then it was "Omlette, the chicken formerly known as Nuggett"

then it was " (o) "

and now it is back to Nuggett.
Hmmmm. . .

Well, there's Tripper, my year old Silver Phoenix rooster. I raised him from an egg, and he was born with two crooked toes. He tripped and rolled over on himself when he was first learning to walk and hasn't since! But, that's why I called him Tripper, and plus, Jack Tripper on Three's Company is da BOMB! Lol.

Then there was his brothers, a black Phoenix named Sweeney after Johnny Depp's character Sweeney Todd in that awesome movie. I sold him to a gentlemen in the next state over. And then there's the late Blitzkrieg, a golden Phoenix that was such a lap roo, he always was so sweet, and because of that, he was killed by another rooster during the winter in close quarters. Poor little dear. I called him 'Blitzy' for short.

And there's the Silkie x Onagadori trio, well, reverse trio. Two males and one female. Their names are all messed up. One of the roos is called Theodore, I got that right, but the other roo is called Cricket and the hen is named Davy. Haha.

My Silver Phoenix hen is named Satine, after the character on Moulin Rouge that Nicole Kidman plays. As you can tell, I am a movie fan. Lol. My Black Sumatra rooster is named Ozzie, after Ozzy Osbourne, but with a switch up in the way he spells it to be his own self. Trust me, his personality merits it. He's a tad on the mean side at times, but when you acutally get to hold him and pet him, his meanness seems to disappear, lol. When he crows, it sounds like he's yelling 'SHARRRRRONNN!' -- No lie! And my BTW Japanese hen is called Princess because we spoil her, as she is the tiniest. Haha.

And last but not least is the youngest one, Davy and Ozzie's baby, whom she raised on her own, a little cockerel named Swagger, after Tony Stewart. Lol.

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