Show off your chicken names!!!

These were some my chicken's names Before they passed away:
Angel, Lacy, Princess Peach, Butterscotch.

These are the names of my current chickens:
Speckles, Oreo, wings, Lucy, Carmel, Buttercup, Goldie Locks, Chicklet, Loretta, Sweet Pea, Florence, Millie, Fleur.
Della- Dellaware

Easter- Easter egger

Sammy 2 dude
Robin (all sex links)'

Poatched on toast
Hard Boiled
Sunny Side up (all BO)

Peep (polish crested)
Monkey( sex link)

3 other babies have no names yet
our 2 ducks are Quackers and Waddles
I name mine according to whatever my favorite fandom is that year (lame and obscure, but it works).

My roo is Muad'Dib, but I generally call him Mahdi. The old lady is Zam. Then there's Hinata, Ino, and Tenten.

I was playing Final Fantasy 7 when Penguin was born, so I wanted to call her Yuffi, but I was afraid if she turned out to be a boy I'd have to change her name to Vincent, and it would be so wrong to name a chicken after Vincent Valentine. D:

Now I'm into the classics so I have Antigone and Electra, and the babies are Lysistrata, Hyacinth, and Iole (might change the last two--I kinda wanted to stick to titles of plays but it's hard to find any that are pronounceable). If I manage to find any Welsummers, I'll probably use Andromache and Iphigenia. If/when I get another roo, he'll be Ajax.
I have Elmo and Zoe - both hens (3 yr old named em) Naughty and nice - the bantams - roo is named Naughty - girl was named Nice - but is now lil momma cause she went broody...

One EE named Playgirl - causer she has a leopardskin look to her feathers - one boy named Hawk cause he just has that look - but he does appear to be a meek lil boy - maybe even a lil slow

All of my buffys are named buff-puff cause we knew that there would be roos and we didnt want to single out any until we knew what the deal was - both were roos

all of my BRs are named stripers... same reason - both roos of course

one RIR - named ... wait for it - the most original and unique name in the world... RED

lol - now we have 6 chicks - supposedly pullets so we will be naming them as their personalities emerge ..., may steal some of these good ones
My small flock of 6 girls are:
Willow - Welsummer
Georgia - Black Australorp
Maggie - Silver Laced Wyandotte
Ginger - Rhode Island Red
LilyBell - White Ameraucana
Chloe - Silver Ameruacana

and we have 15 five week old girls awaiting permanent residency. I want to keep 4 to round out my flock so 11 will be heading off to a friend who loves our delicious eggs so much he decided to get into the chicken business too...ahh, another convert!

So my additional girls are:
Saffron - Buff Orpington
Tallulah - Brown/Red Ameraucana
Sonny (Sunny?) - Black Cochin
Fiona - Plymouth Barred Rock

My past girls who turned out to be roos were Fern who became Fernando (Brown/Red Ameraucana), Sophia (Black Australorp) and Diesel (Plymouth Barred Rock) who used to be Daisy. Diesel was so friendly but sooo loud...he had to move on to be head roo at another farm:D
I have the usual assortment of named and un-named chicks, but our most creative are:

Cuckoo Chanel (Cuckoo Maran) of course she's French
Tiny Tim Turken (Naked Neck) always smaller than the other Turken. Goes by the alias Triple T

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