Show off your Delawares! *PIC HEAVY*

Which is what I will probably be doing....pullets are SO much easier to make friends with than roosters. At least with the bunch I have this time!
Doug Akers said:

I still have the same two females. I haven’t sent my Crossroads entries in yet. I might sign up one of the Delaware hens. I’m not sure which one of the two I took last year. One of them molted a couple of months ago. Some of the feathers that have come in on her back have a reddish cast. They were pure white as a pullet.​
Interesting- it reminds me of something.....not that his pullet is 4th generation, but its related.
Where is it I remember reading that 4th generation Dels showed some red- hmmm - I do remember reading in the Sturgeon book that the 4th generation can be the most frustrating, that all sorts of wrong things pop out at that point, and you might feel you are moving backward, but just to grit your teeth and keep at it.

Ha! Doug still needs to sell her to me and I will breed her to Hero or Fatboy and see what happens!
Back to your old tricks I see. My birds don't need to be washed, they are magnificent even when unwashed. I have a two show event next weekend. We have 38 birds entered in both shows. My waterfowl are the strongest competitors this early, so hopefully one of my ducks will make some grown men cry. Fear the Indies!! I have ten entered. I need three more important wins with them (Best or Res of Show) and I will finally be a master breeder of has only taken 40 years.

Bird baths? Naw, he said he just plucks them out of the tree before he goes to the show.

in the dark. I pluck the chickens out of the tree in the dark the morning of the show.

Doug wants me to take a Delaware cockerel and a pair of F1s to him. Which I will be happy to do. Hmmm, maybe I could talk him into a trade for something of his.

I think we can expect some red bleeding in the Delaware project birds at some point, for sure.
Back to your old tricks I see. My birds don't need to be washed, they are magnificent even when unwashed. I have a two show event next weekend. We have 38 birds entered in both shows. My waterfowl are the strongest competitors this early, so hopefully one of my ducks will make some grown men cry. Fear the Indies!! I have ten entered. I need three more important wins with them (Best or Res of Show) and I will finally be a master breeder of has only taken 40 years.


There is a awfully wide range of things that can make a grown man cry, Walt, let's HOPE its for the magnificence of your unwashed ducks and not something else.
Kathy, do you have another F1 roo besides George? I have three, I can spare one, if you have pullets. We could put a pair together for him.

Oneofseven- I am about 30 minutes west of Asheville NC, but I don't have anything but roos for sale right now - do you hatch?

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