Show off your Delawares! *PIC HEAVY*

i love the breast shape on the young dells. next spring, God willing iwant to order some chicks from you. istill want to order some more of the old german new hampshires too. i liked the first set better. i personally like the lighter neck feathers that some called too light. do you have any pretty silverlaced wyanndottes? gloria jean
Statisticly speaking you are right however some breeds have tendencies to certain behavioral traits. Almost every one of my Barred Rocks are friendly or at least non aggressive but I have known a few to be mean as snakes. Buckeyes have a reputation for being aggressive and I've had a Silkie roo that attacked on sight. Delawares are very curious and have a reputation for being friendly but if they have some genes from another breed all bets are off.I'm sure there could be a bad apple in a pure Delaware but I have yet to see one. Roosters very nature is to protect his ladies, so it all depends on what he decides is a threat.

Oh no doubt, I agree with to 100%, I just didn't go into enough detail.

I just wanted to point out that every breed can produce mean birds.

My birds from from breeder stock so who knows how my Rooster is going to turn out. He's never come after me but he get a lot of curios looks from him. Could just be trying to figure out the world around him. My pullets are very calm. They took forever to go out side, the boy were out with in a day or two of me opening the door, the girls took over a month!

i love the breast shape on the young dells.

I agree. The biggest thing I've been disappointed with my birds is the lack of a "bowl shaped" breast. My culls admittedly were probably butchered a to young (12/13 weeks) but they were pretty darn flat. Lots of dark meat though (which is my favorite)!

The rooster I kept to breed is OK but I think I could still do better.

Kathy, where did you get that GREEN gass???? Ours here is all brown and dead!
That green has just popped up after the last few days of rain! Our lawn has been dead for weeks.
i love the breast shape on the young dells. next spring, God willing i want to order some chicks from you. i still want to order some more of the old german new hampshires too. i liked the first set better. i personally like the lighter neck feathers that some called too light. do you have any pretty silver laced wyanndottes? gloria jean
I did keep a trio of Silver Laced Wyandottes. We will get you taken care of next spring, for sure! I am not sure yet when I will release any of my Delawares.... I'm still working on those.
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i understand about the dells. the wyndottes and the gnh will be fine. you are really working hard and long on the dells. i feel you are really making an impact on them for sure. gloria jean
Gotta love that "tweener" stage where they aren't fuzzy chicks anymore, but not fully feathered yet.
And, being the person I am, I love typos like "green gasses". Yes, I'm crazy and simple minded, although quite complex.

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