Show off your Easter Eggers!

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This is dad, moms are hatchery Buff Orpingtons.

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These are the result the 2 in the front are a mix of yellow and white, the one behind them in the middle is nearly pure white with black stripes down its back and all the way in the black the others are a darker brown/blonde color. I am assuming the darker ones and the mostly yellow one to the right will be buff or mostly buff after looking at others crosses. The others I have no clue and was wondering if others have had a similar cross and what theirs looked like or if someone is familiar with the roos color genetics.
Sooo cuteeeee
Name: Idgie
Age: 18 weeks tomorrow (8/2/18)
Egg color: None yet but fingers crossed for blue!
Fun facts: She is my first Easter Egger and I am in love with the "breed" (yes, I know they're not an official breed)...she is curious, friendly, entertaining, and oh-so-gorgeous! I purchased her as a day-old chick with her "sister", Ruth (an olive egger, also pictured because they were raised together and are virtually inseparable), from a local feed store that had her and her hatch mates labeled as "ameraucanas" (I of course knew better). Her feathering pattern is just beautiful (in my humble chicken mama opinion); the black on her neck and cape feathers shimmers dark purple in the sun and her breast feathers and rear fluff are a bluish grey. I can't wait to see what she looks like when she's fully grown. No cheek muffs or beard but her comb appears to be coming in as pea.

Here she is at 14 weeks old:
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Here she is (along with Ruthie; left) at 16 weeks old:
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Trying cantaloupe for the first time at 10 weeks old:
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Cuteness overload at day-old:
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Cuteness overload part II:
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Update: Idgie laid her first egg yesterday at 23 weeks and 3 days and I'm happy to report that it is a gorgeous minty blue color! I am loving my basket assortment now. :D


Fridge, pounty end down. If I was going to use them all in a few weeks, the counter would be fine. I tend to take them to friends and family, though, and they will last longer in the fridge.

I only visit my parents 2-3 times a year and take all the eggs I have saved up. Store eggs make Mom sick and we believe it's the egg wash.

She's had large eggs last in the fridge ok for up to 6 months through winter with nothing else done to them (like oiling). They start dehydrating and the whites sticking after too long. She has very low humidity there. 3 months in summer is about it.

Because of the size, the silkie eggs only last 2 months through winter so she uses them first. Needing 3 to make one large, they get used quick thankfully.

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