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Maybe the fat man will bring me a chicken genetics book for Christmas. This way I will be able to pretend I know what I'm talking about ( lots of evidence of that here)
Maybe I will join you over at your new thread, once I feel confident I can hold a conversation with you.

rooster you be a sissie. We can use big words here and post next to purty birds. so you have to look at both at same time. It will all sink in so you can carry on and teach us down the road. Then you will be tough enough for being a fan of gamefowl.
LOL. Lets keep the discussion topics broad. Many have been investing in this thread for quite some time. The pictures are awesome but the exchange of ideas also should be maintained.
I think there is more than one language being spoken in this thread the way people are interpreting posts.

And I do not know about forced quarantines. I don't know how much shipping is it was included in the price of the Birds.

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