Show Off Your Games!

Some local craigslist cross breeds... I forgot who mentioned they wanted to cross breed RIR with Games... but here is what they will look like. Only $10 each


Do you have a link?
Since we're into off colors, may I ask you how the grey color is inherited? (It being a sex-linked gene and so on) I've only bred straight greys but am now currently breeding grey cock to red hen and vice versa.
Off color, hehe.. I like how grey is always an "off color" to the gamefowlers, genetically though a pure silver grey color is dominant to red color when breeding. I stress pure, because undoubtedly many of the "grey" lines of American Game have some red crossed into them, so can get them genes popping up from time to time with throwbacks. You have to further consider the "silver" and "gold" types of greys that concern the "S" and "s" genes represented as such by their respective breeders, etc, etc. Simply put what most find is a silver grey bred to red will give you mostly gold greys, gold greys bred together can give you reds popping up from time to time. Have never seen reds bred to reds that ended up giving anything other than some sort of red. But this is just simplified generalities as gamefowl shouldn't have been bred to strict color standards, color after all was just the beautiful window dressing byproduct on the outside of the package the game breeder was looking for.
Built two more brood pens built got a pure Cobras asil over brown red hen and brown red over to Gerard hatch hens hatched out 5o last sat and got 40 popping out the shells right now

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