Show off your house ducks!


Yeah,I have to record Dandy because my "chasing" is really just moving around her while she walks really slow with her head forward. This duck is a weirdo

Please do. It's always the weird ones that are the most loveable though, aren't they? Wobbles, Tevye, and now lil' Dandy <3
Hehe thats one of my fondest memories of the lil' fluffbutt. The scale wasn't sensitive enough to measure his tinyness, so they had to bust out the uber-sensitive baking scale that had a bowl attachment!

And once you discover, be careful. You could spend an entire afternoon on that thing staring at cats in sinks.
I will have to check that out. Cute makes me happy to look at. What was the Little's weight from that picture? He is so precious in it.
Oh goodness neither of my birbs stand when I mess with their wings. ESPECIALLY Bean. However I will ninja-kiss her bill when she's sitting on my lap, and she will return the obnoxious factor by clambering up onto my head when I nap and settling into my hair, eating it, and giving me neeboos on my face!
Good for little Bean birb.
:lau It's funny the look on their face when you do something back that they do to you. Daisy used to do that side eye thing when she was amazed that I would actually bite at her face playing back. "Did...did you just BITE me?!? What the hell MOM! Only I do that!!"
Keyooot Duck Girl.
I will have to check that out. Cute makes me happy to look at. What was the Little's weight from that picture? He is so precious in it.

One ounce, right on the dot!

Speaking of cute, right now Bean is on my pillow giving me face and hair neeboos. xD I don't dare move, but it's hard to type like this!

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