Show off your house ducks!

I am new to the duck thing we just got our first Pekin duckling on Saturday but we are do in love! She is 2-3 weeks old. (I think "she" anyway). We named her Vee. Any advice for starting out? We just ordered a coop online that I think will be good.

LOL. Welcome to BYC!

That is certainly enough for one duckling/grown duck. Did you buy only the one?

I caution you about overbuilding your coop/pen/run. Realizing that it's way to much for one duck will cause you to get more ducks.

I caution you about underbuilding your coop/pen/run. Realizing it's not big enough for all the other ducks you're going to get will cause you to spend more replacing or expanding it.

Yes, you will get more ducks. Accept the reality from the beginning, and it will be much easier the day you walk out into your yard and wonder how you came to have so many ducks. They are so lovable that it can be very difficult to stop adding, and each one has its own little personality. They can be very habit-forming.
Really? Cause ChaCha is not a particularly *chill* bird lol she may love me, but she's a hellion I tell you! I only have that ONE picture of her like that because the rest of the time I need to hold hey in place with my legs so I can do whatever ai need done. I think she may have learned that there's nothing she can do when I put her like that because for a LONG time she had to be that way every morning and night so I could change the bandages on her feet.
... I do believe that your little calls would throw a hissy fit though LOL oh WoBean
I wish she were as darling as her photos... it's deceiving how sweet she looks hahaha
Hiya! I have baby diapers in packages or I can do a cushion set of just the sizes they need (and BYCers get a discount if you order through my Etsy store, just gotta get the code from me)
OMG I love her little face! My friend all wants a ducky buddy for her girl, I may have to remind her of your sweet things!
it's truly insane how fast they grow! I always wonder if they have growing pains... but anywho, once their have their big kid tail they can wear a grown up diaper. Sometimes they ate all a little fluffy but their first diaper will stretch out enough it should always fit them.

For those of you who have ducky diapers (mine or anyone else's) is there a need for a diaper tailoring/repair service? It's been mentioned to me a few times over the past year or so but for now with my limited space I haven't put much thought into it. Depending on the damage it may be more economical to just replace an old diaper, but for little things like replacing a stretched out strap or worn out velcro, or even adjusting the straps for a new ducky, would that be something any of you would want?
My biggest concern with that is ducky illness, but if contamination could be solved with good abiding practices would anyone want a tailoring/repair service?
You have to admit it's cute she's such a hellion.
Daisy was SOOO much smaller & petite than Dandy, I feel like a had one of your Calls compared to this fatty! Doesn't even have all her feathers yet, still sporting fluff all under her wings & tummy. Silly baby brain, too! :D
Thanks, babe. It is nice having a Muscovy again & she is so very pretty, too, I'll give her that. She has more attitude than Daisy ever did, though! Haha! This one, always quick with the Mohawk or the mouth all open side-eyeballing ya!

Dahlia is in Daisy's old house & she gets daily lovin' too. :) She is so tiny & hollow feeling after picking up Dandy! They switch out who gets bathtub time
& wandering time because Dandy is a heavy & nippy one to leave around Dahlia for too long, unfortunately. Dandy just wants to be near me, in her "bed" bin & that's about it...or eating. Definitely would rather be eating...such a fatty...
Dandy is so cute. I love her side looks. Very sweet face.
Daisy was SOOO much smaller & petite than Dandy, I feel like a had one of your Calls compared to this fatty! Doesn't even have all her feathers yet, still sporting fluff all under her wings & tummy. Silly baby brain, too! :D
Thanks, babe. It is nice having a Muscovy again & she is so very pretty, too, I'll give her that. She has more attitude than Daisy ever did, though! Haha! This one, always quick with the Mohawk or the mouth all open side-eyeballing ya!

Dahlia is in Daisy's old house & she gets daily lovin' too. :) She is so tiny & hollow feeling after picking up Dandy! They switch out who gets bathtub time
& wandering time because Dandy is a heavy & nippy one to leave around Dahlia for too long, unfortunately. Dandy just wants to be near me, in her "bed" bin & that's about it...or eating. Definitely would rather be eating...such a fatty...
I love lite Dahlia. She is precious. I am glad she is with you. Cute video of her tub time. She is fully clothed and could care less about getting soaked.
You have to admit it's cute she's such a hellion.

She can be! :p Lil' Bean, hehe. She actually can be very, very sweet. But she's like her mama - she gets grumpy when she hasn't eaten or if you wake her up too early, LOL! She's also been biting Wobbles right in the butt lately. He takes over her food bowl? Butt nip! Tries to get behind her to mount? Oh, you better believe that's a butt nip!

And I agree, Dandy has an absolutely angelic face. Sweet baby girl. <3

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