Show off your Old English Game Bantams!!


This is my roo just found out he is an BBROE and I have hens also and I think with bantam Asian I absolutely love his personality. And the way he runs and goes to side lol is the best. Lol. I have a question for those with BBROE mine have had chicks and some are with white feathers some almost all white. So that's normal or why :))
Here is a photograph of one of my Black Breasted Red taken a month or so ago. Spring came early to northern Utah. Got to say that I just love the OEGB birds, all colors, patterns and even mixes. It is all good by me. I keep at present BBR, SDW, and Gingers. Love them all. Thanks to all whom keep this thread moving forward… Best to all and your banty birds, RJ
What's a ginger? A red Pyle?
Can anyone explain for me plz ;) I have BBROE roo an. Hens. One hen has Asian bantam n her. I have several chicks both hens and Roos and I can see their features of both parents comn out but I have a couple that are mostly white w some black tan feathers does anyone know why. I can't find info on those breeds with those colorings. Ty ;)
Can anyone explain for me plz
I have BBROE roo an. Hens. One hen has Asian bantam n her. I have several chicks both hens and Roos and I can see their features of both parents comn out but I have a couple that are mostly white w some black tan feathers does anyone know why. I can't find info on those breeds with those colorings. Ty
Post a picture or two of them. It will be easier for us to tell you what color they are if we can see them.
Yes!!! Just two days ago!! Love them the breed is awsome.


I m happy to be able to let them roam free inside coop. I had to get rid of two other hens they didn't like other hens chicks too well. Even the papa Jaxx is proud and let them run around. With mama Basain.

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