Show off your Old English Game Bantams!!

Cute little thing jophus! Will be interesting to watch that one grow out.

I finally got a couple good comparison pics of the "white" girls. And I thought sure the boy in the middle was SDW, but he's getting some brown/red coloring on his back and wings. :/



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Thanks! I will try both. I didn't know the broody contest was still going

Great! I think the contest one closes soon, but everyone has so many adorable pics, we started the other one as non-contest, just a place to post lots of pretty pics. They have been very popular. Who can resist a broody and her babies? :)
Hello Everybody , I Was Just Wondering If Old English Game Bantam Hens Go Broody ? I'm Really Wanting To Hatch Out Chicks . Thanks Everyone !

Definitely! :D

Well, I'll clarify and say 4 of my 5 hens did this year. The youngest has not, and she's right about a year old, the other 4 are a bit older. But I've always read that they are wonderful broodies, and mine sure have been.
I totally second that. One of my older girls was broody this spring and is broody again.
She was a wonderful mom. Very good with me but fierce with anything
I took everyone's chicks to put them together after a few weeks and she was got really depressed, so I won't do that again.
The rest of the OEGB females are younger, no broodiness from them yet.

I've heard they are as broody or better as Silkies or Cochins but I don't have any yet

My hens are extremely broody. They will set as long as they have something to set on. My pullets will go broody before a year of age, if I let them.

Problem is, my girls are tiny. 3 eggs are about all they can cover alone, although I've had 4 set the same nest, at the same time, and rear the chicks together.
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