Show off your Old English Game Bantams!!

They fly really well, so covered run is advised... not very cold hardy, if you get extreme colds, insulated coop or plenty of buddys to keep each other warm... very friendly if hand raised, and they are extremely chatty... be careful if they are living with LF, sometimes it works, but sometimes they can get picked on or hurt... sweet birds, I love mine...

are they good free rangers? we free range everyone. They will be living with 2 barred rocks, 3 golden comets, 2 silkies, 3 silkie mixes, and 2 Millie flur d'uccle's. they all are being raised together so hopefuly they will get along. I have other LF's but they won't be together. I plan on free ranging every other day exchange who free ranges.
are they good free rangers? we free range everyone. They will be living with 2 barred rocks, 3 golden comets, 2 silkies, 3 silkie mixes, and 2 Millie flur d'uccle's. they all are being raised together so hopefuly they will get along. I have other LF's but they won't be together. I plan on free ranging every other day exchange who free ranges.

Sounds good, good luck! Yes, they are good little free rangers, just be careful of predation... Silkies and the bantams would be the first targets...
Sounds good, good luck! Yes, they are good little free rangers, just be careful of predation... Silkies and the bantams would be the first targets...
Yeah I think the silkies and bantams will only be free ranging for last few hours when I'm outside. never had any issues in the last 2 years. but that could always change. their run is going to be larger than our others since they will spend most of time in there compared to others. Thank you! hopefully at least 1 in a hen. i already have a rooster for the coop.
i dont know what kind of bantams at all the black could be oe black the white with bluish brown straks in matching sets im stumped lol
i didnt know how to post to thred but i just looked and my silver polish and d uccles have way puffier cheeks this one dosnt seem to i am stumped been looking at the vids at cackle hatchery put them on facebook chicken thread nobody know lol
i didnt know how to post to thred  but i just looked and my silver polish and d uccles have way puffier cheeks this one dosnt seem to i am stumped  been looking at the vids at cackle hatchery put them on facebook chicken thread  nobody know  lol

Might be an EE bantam... black one could be almost anything... I'd wait til they start feathering out, will prolly be easier... :)

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