Show off your Peas!

I'm excited about getting these peafowl and possibly a business started. I don't know I've been kind of brain storming but still unsure on what I would name it and logo and etc. I will let you know when I get all of this planned.
That is the fun part drawing up several logo ideas and coming up with a name. Make it a unique name so that no one accidently takes your name. In fact search to make sure the name you decide to use isn't already taken. Using your last name could be an option if you don't have a super common last name like Brown or Jones. I wouldn't name it "Idaho Peafowl" only because someone else in Idaho might get the same idea, etc. You don't want what happened to Sid of Texaspeafowl happening to you. There is Sid's Texaspeafowl (one word) then there is another place in Texas called "Texas Peafowl Farm". The two are often confused and Sid loses business because of the name issue. He considered changing his business name but decided not to.

For a logo idea you can look at a photo of a peacock and come up with a more abstract or simplistic way of drawing the face, eye feather, etc. Remember to have a one or two color version of the logo so that if you want to have it on a T-shirt or something in the future it won't cost as much because it won't have to be print using a lot of colors. If you really want to get into it you can research what colors mean in logos. For example the color red can be youthful, purple can be creativity, etc. I just use whatever pretty colors I want, but for 2D art class we had to research color theory and make logos putting a lot of thought into it. I like making logos.
It sounds like I'm really going to enjoy this. Your getting me excited I can't sit still in my chair. I'm going to be having lots of fun. I was kind of thinking using my last name and then peafowl farm. I know I want peafowl farm as the last two words in my title.
I think you will have fun.
My logo ended up being something I made for a school assignment in my multimedia class. I ended up liking it so I kept it.

The simplified version doesn't use the peacock image and the super simplified version is in all black.
This was my original logo:

You can google logos for some inspiration.
Quote: It's not that praziquantil will harm them when the correct amount is given, but the package has 75mg in it, which might be too much for a younger or smaller bird. Have to find my glasses,
, then I'll look up the dose in my books.

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