Show off your Red sex-links!! [[pictures included]] !! (:

How many birds do you have and how old are they. From the picture in your previous post I see six birds of which 2 should lay blueish/greenish eggs. The other 4 in the picture should lay various shades of brown/cream colored eggs unless they are crosses where they may have the gene for the colored eggs.
In the new coop I have 9.....2 are obvious EE, then 3 RSL and 4 BSL... The 2 EE's are older ladies. Goldilocks is the older lady, then the black/gray was picked up at TCS in March..(she started laying late Sept.), the rest of the crew was presented to me by a friend of ours who knew they were young but didn't have any idea of age...they started laying about 3-5 wks ago....they all started at different times (about a wk apart). Still have one non-layer.. They were all trying to get used to a new coop, new owner, new run etc at the time they might have started laying so I've just sat back and pampered them and talked to them. I have 4 older hens in my first, 3 sided open coop. Its 4x10 run underneath and in front of the coop. That coop was meant to be sitting on the ground with a garden on top but the roof part had warped over time to I just raised the entire coop about 18".
egg door opened.
Since the top wouldn't drain right .. I didn't use it to plant things on. In the spring, I'm going to put the ladies in a tractor and take a reciprocating saw to the warped roof and use that 6" to "raise the roof. This was built to plans but it does not give the hens enough head space. I have a GLW, 2 RIR, and 1 dark brahama and they just don't have a nice place to roost. And of course the "roost looks like its a 2x2 instead of a 2x4.. that will change also!! It came with chicken wire but I completely got 1/4"hardware wire over all of it before the pullets arrived. Buried 12" and put pavers around circumference..My little Ft. Knox.! Since I slid it under the front side of the shed, it has 2 roofs/2 south facing walls, one inside room on the north and have shade at some part of the run at all times.

This is the new one I built over the summer...
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Hey! Where did all the red sex links go?

THEN (August - 1 month old)

Now: 5 months old

We have three. Peggy and Dolly are Red Sex Links and Dinosaur is a Production Red. (My 3 year old son named them lol)

We just got chickens in August for the first time and it is so addictive. I think chickens have got to have the most personality I've ever seen. Honestly, the things they do send me into a fit of belly laughter. My favourite is opening the back door of the kitchen and they all stick their heads around the edge of the door frame and stare me down sideways looking for a handout. I am absolutely in love.

I also love how their heads sway side to side when they run at full speed. Cracks me right up every time! (Egg laying pun intended)
Mine are gold sex-links not red but I'll add a few pics.  I have 29 girls including Lulu, our lame part-time house chicken.  They will be 2 years old this June.




Beautiful birds what did u cross to get these
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