Showgirl thread- for posting pictures and discussing breed!


just keep watching for them. It took me 6 months to find my original beginner flock of white showgirls. I finally found someone close enough

to me to save on shipping because I wanted a small flock of 6. Get this
I wound up buying mine at age 4 months from a guy that was a genetics

specialist. He has hundreds of different types of birds and is working on specialized colors in Peacocks.

I did see some other hatching eggs on Ebay but it's for assorted Silkies and Showgirls. If you've never had either of these chickens, they are both

very sweet and most of us that have Showgirls have both because it's best to breed Showgirls to Silkies until they are in good type.

Keep the faith! You will find some.

Yes I am thinking of biding on those actually! I only plan on keeping two showgirls and selling the rest. I've had silkies before but they have all been roos (go figure) so were never permanent fixtures
I'm just curious if I'll get a buff showgirl. He's got a pen with a white showgirl roo and a buff silkie, and a buff silkie roo and buff showgirl- so who knows! Also thus might be best because like you said and what others have told me, showgirls look best when they have a silkie parent.

Golly I'm so excited!!
Thanks for all your help!
I have been lurking in the background here for quite a while now ,just reading everyones posts and gaining much valuable insight and encouragement from all the photos . I started to try to breed Showgirls from scratch, (using pure Tnns and Silkies) a few years ago ,when i realised they just didnt exist over here in Wales (UK),up to generation 6 now and just beginning to feel I am getting there ,So........thought it was about time I gave you all a big "Hello " and thank-you all for unwittingly helping me so much . !!!

Wow! a brave soul, from scratch....well here we just have to insist on pictures:lau

I for one would love to see your showgirls. My newest hatch this year are F12. The picture of them was a few posts back.

Hi all, I love Naked Necks, and I have 1 showgilr his name is Fire Cracker it don't take much for him to get flared up
I have a behavioral question aboout Showgirls. I believe I posted this on the NN site, and didn't get any reply. So I have to assume they didn't know.

I had a small group of SGs and one in particular had a trait I admired. Problem is, I don't know where it came from. One particular young roo (he had a straight comb, btw) liked mice. My cats would catch the field mice, which are small, and play with them. This little roo would take the mouse away from the cats and run with it. When he was done with that game, he would eat it. I saw him "spear" one with his beak to disable it. What I want to know is did it come from the Silkie breeding or the NN breeding? I've had Silkies before and don't remember such behavior. Is this just one little roo that did this, or was it genetic from one of the breeds in his makeup? Thanks.
Too cool! I would love to see pics! I think it is so cool to watch the progression through the generations! Please keep up showgirl nerds updated!
Nava- glad to see you here! I LOVE your NNs and have been sooo tempted to bid on your many auctions for them! But the sgs are awesome and can be kept with my silkies so no new pens needed! And they give me the NN fix I need lol! I love Firecracker! What a great name!!!

Gootziecat- I can't really help you with if it is associated with a breed. He may just think it's a fun game he learned from the cats. I do know people have had chickens eat mice and other dead animals. Some even learn to be carnivorous from feather picking that gets out of control. If he is eating them a lot maybe some extra protein in his diet would help? I have never experienced mine killing anything other than bugs...they do like to play keep away though! LOL

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