Showgirl thread- for posting pictures and discussing breed!

Does she have a clean neck or a bowtie? I thought I saw a bowtie but the frizzle feathers are throwing me off lol!

ETA - I think you would get half sizzles? I know Frizzle to smooth gives you hald and half, but not sure when you throw the silkied feathers in the mix??
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To top it off, yes she has a bow tie! lol
hi everyone!
i have never owned showgirls and i am highly interested in getting my hands on some. My birthday is ocming up and i really want to try my hand at hatching eggs. showgirl eggs!

my question is- does anyone know where i can get my hands on assorted colored showgirl eggs fairly soon (within the next month or so?)? I was think red, buff, white and partridge- but mostly interested in buff and partridge.

Id really appreciate any help with this- i am having such a hard time finding a breeder that ships eggs and not juvenile birds.
I just saw some assorted color showgirl hatching eggs on Ebay and I believe you could get those maybe even today. All of my Showgirls are white.
Welcome to the showgirl thread and happy hatching.

I am just lurking here. BUT those babies are the cutes things I have ever seen! 40 years ago in highschool I had a black silkie roo called otis.

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