Shredded back from hawk!


11 Years
Aug 19, 2008
My poor roo got away, but he has a nasty, nasty wound all down his back. And is limping. I don't know what to do. He is eating and drinking baby asperin water. I cage him all day in the barn and I let him sleep in the coop. For safety reasons. I put some ointment on the wound. What should I really do?? Am I just haboring to needless suffering...
I'm alternating the water with the baby aspiren and avian 2000. I cleaned out a 'safe' cage in the barn for him tonight. His day cage is a wire dog cage on the ground. His girls visit him all day. The cage I'm putting him 2 night ,the hens have two nesting boxes in it. Not prepared for this. Poor Roo, probably saved one of his girls!!
What was the ointment you put on his wound? How deep is the wound? For wounds not deep, topical neosporin (without pain relief). For much deeper he may need oral or injectible antibiotics to beat back infection. With the right treatment, it is astonishing what they can recover from.
Great nutrition right now, warm stress free comfortable surroundings - good that he can see his girls, especially if he's like mine where he would do nothing but worry if he didn't.
Extra protein....
The wound is not deep. It is ripped skin down his back. Not bleeding much. It looks as if it is draining. Generick triple antibiotic. It was really hard to clip his feathers out of the way. He still needs allot of cleaning. He fights me. I gave him eggs today.
Should I give him water antibiotics?

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