Sick 2 day old chick


10 Years
Nov 22, 2013
Costa Rica
She was eating and drinking well yesterday and looked wobbly but chipper. Today she accepts fluids well but is not interested in chick starter and looks sad and sleepy. She has taken water with antibiotics and electrolyte solution. Can anyone make any suggestions?? It would be much appreciated. She is a single chick living under mom. Mom looks worried too!
Antibiotics should not be given until you know what the problem is because different ones work on different problems. Put some honey in the water and have her drink it. That should give her the energy to eat a little. If she doesn't start eating in the next 24 hours you need to look at either culling or tube feeding depending on how far gone she is. Be prepared for the mother to reject her as they tend to do it with sick chicks.
Thanks, She is eating a bit and drinking still and had a poop and is looking a little improved.
The antibiotics are a wide spectrum type that the veterinario suggested. It seems not to be doing any harm. What do you think...stick with it for now?
Is honey ok for chicks or is sugar water better? I´ll have a search to make sure and give it a try, good suggestion.
Mom is being great and very attentive, she even placed the lid with the food half way under her so baby can eat in bed..
Thanks for responding, much appreciated ...... wish us luck.
If the chick is 2-5 days old , I have experienced a few times that the crumbles were too big for a chick and they were looking like they were eating, but were not swallowing. I would offer some chick feed made into a wet mush, even smear some on her beak. I would also grind down the crumbles finer.

Even a few weeks ago, I opened a bag of chick feed where the crumbles were larger than my layer feed!

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