sick acting turky hen

Please don't be upset. You did the right thing to post your problem. That is what we all do when we don't know. You asked for help and that is all you can do. We will be pulling for your girl.

When my tom had respiratory problems, I gave him injections twice a day. MY experience with MY turkey and his respiratory problems was that I pretty much had to care for him with extra special care.

This is what I did........ I gave him a shot of Tylan 50 twice a day for 3 weeks. I also put Enfamil Poly-Vi-sol Essential vitamins for infants and Toddlers (it's in a purple and gold box) in a syringe and squirted it in his mouth twice a day. I also gave him pedialyte as often as I could. I also cooked eggs, mashed potatoes and grits and hand fed twice a day. The first couple of days when I noticed something was wrong, he wasn't eating or drinking. This is why I had to take extra special measures.

After 2 days of hand feeding boiled eggs, squirting syringes of pedialtye and Enfamil Poly-Vi-Sol Multivitamins for infants and toddlers down my tom's throat, my turkey has finally shown some signs of hope. He had been roosting on the ground with his head almost touching the ground with open wings.

Within 3 - 5 days he should major signs of improvement. It is VERY possible that she can make it. If you would have saw and heard my Tom when he was sick, you could have sworn that he had 1 foot in the grave. It was that bad.

Don't give up on her. Keep us posted and continue to post your questions or problems. We are here to help.
One of mine had the same issue with breathing. I gave her 1cc injection tylan 50 twice a day for 5 days. she was perking up by day two and no reoccurance. yet.
oh i am if one even burps there getting tylan. my state vet will be here next week for my npip and to look over all my birds.....
If you still have the turkey there, you might want to do a necropsy. I feel there is a chance that it's Histomoniasis (Blackhead) and suggest that you rule that out. If that is what you are dealing with, Tylan won't help. My understanding is if you are seeing yellow poop, it's usually something affecting the liver. Here is a link to the Merck Vet Manual page, there is a picture of what you would be looking for in the liver.

I did find an article on diseases in wild turkeys in the South Eastern US It looks like TN might be one of the states that could have Histomoniasis in the wild population.

I wish you the best of luck!

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