sick Ameraucana - scabby skin


7 Years
Feb 20, 2012
Hi everyone,

I am new to keeping chickens, (this is my first flock!) and I have been noticing one of my hens has started to look a bit bedraggled this week. I caught her today and had a look, and she has a large wound on her back, and some feather loss on her head and neck.. Poor girl! I need some help from all of you pros out there, and am wondering if anyone here has experience with diagnosing this kind of thing. The chickens are housed in a lovely large coop, (at least 12 feet x 12 feet, and 15 feet high) for 8 chickens, 2 guinea hens and 2 indian runner ducks) and they have a deep litter floor - they get high-quality organic feed and also greens and veggie scraps from the kitchen. I sprinkle diatomaceous earth on their litter once a week. Is this a mite infestation? Help! I am very worried about my ladies!

Thanks so much,


Hi everyone,

Thanks for the tips - I have put a dust box in their coop and put down more Diatomaceous earth, and more hay. Upon further inspection, (and a visit from the amish farmer down the lane) I think they other chickens are pecking her! No idea why, but will be isolating her until she gets better. I suppose in some ways this is better than a mite infestation, as it's not contagious, but it's still upsetting. :(



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