Sick baby chick, please help!


Mar 21, 2021
South Florida
This is my first time posting here. I just acquired two "3 day old" baby chicks from TSC. One is a Buff Orpington and the other is a Black Australorp. I saw these chicks yesterday and had noticed that the australorp chick was sick. I mentioned it to an employee that I regularly see and she offered me the chick on the spot. (She knows I take the time to nurse my flock back to health if necessary.) After some careful consideration, I accepted and was actually offered my pick of a second chick so he would have a friend.


I knew what I was getting into, and I know he might die, but I'm going to try my very best to keep him alive. Culling is not an option for me, as my chickens are beloved pets, but I would consider euthanasia if absolutely necessary.

Yesterday, he couldn't stand. Today, he is able to walk around and got his first big drink on his own. He does have some balance issues though.

His right eye seems swollen and I have been cleaning it with a warm wet Q-Tip. In the third picture, his feathers are slicked down from me cleaning him, but you should still be able to see the swelling.

I have been feeding him a mix of egg yolk, Exact baby parrot food, medicated chick starter, a drop of Nutridrench, and a drop or two of honey. His water has Hydro-Hen in it. I have hydrated him with a wet Q-Tip with water or a mix of honey and water. Honey seems to perk him up just a little. His Buff Orpington buddy is visibly much healthier and acts like a normal chick. The other chick is easily twice his size.

I'd like to try to save him if it's in my power. I don't know what's wrong with him, but I welcome any information that could help.

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Hello Mia and welcome to BYC. I wish you were joining under happier circumstances.
You have done a fantastic job for this little one. I can think of nothing further you could do.

Sadly, some chicks are just too weak, be it a genetic issue, failure to thrive or late hatching before they are tossed all over at the hatchery then stuffed in a box and shipped for days before getting put in a bin in a store. I'm surprised more don't die from this.

Did this little one make it through the night?
Hello Mia and welcome to BYC. I wish you were joining under happier circumstances.
You have done a fantastic job for this little one. I can think of nothing further you could do.

Sadly, some chicks are just too weak, be it a genetic issue, failure to thrive or late hatching before they are tossed all over at the hatchery then stuffed in a box and shipped for days before getting put in a bin in a store. I'm surprised more don't die from this.

Did this little one make it through the night?
Yes, he made it through the night, but his condition has declined. Liquid coming from his beak and not taking syringed water or food. He cannot walk. I'm fairly certain he'll be gone within a few hours.
It does sound like you've done everything that you can, I'm sorry the little one hasn't come around. x2 on what Dobie Lover said.
Just to let everybody know, my chick has passed. His friend was cuddled up next to him and I'll be getting another chick within a few days so my remaining one doesn't get lonely. Thank you so much to everybody who replied.
:hugs I'm very sorry.
Try putting a mirror and a little stuffed animal or feather duster in with the lone chick until you can get her a friend or two.
I will be getting another chick tomorrow so she'll have a friend. I put a couple of stuffed animals in for her. One is a little stuffed Robin. She seems to like that one a lot. I'll be interacting with her a lot so she doesn't get lonely.

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