Sick call duck; help ASAP


5 Years
May 22, 2017
My female call duck is ill and I’m totally baffled as to what is going on. My vet can’t come out due to the Coronavirus, so I have to figure it out and deal with it on my own. She’s egg laying age, my male call duck is constantly trying to procreate with her, and just started having problems tonight. All of the sudden she can barely walk. She waddles heavily and her legs seem to give out after a few steps. She just keeps laying down. Her abdomen is swollen and squishy, no hard lumps, and she is leaking a completely clear goo-like liquid from her vent (looks like egg whites to me). She also seems to be randomly squatting and panting heavy with her wings out. She’s not lethargic or anything, just seems to not be able to move around too much when she wants to. Could this be egg bound or something else? I really need help. Thanks guys.
My female call duck is ill and I’m totally baffled as to what is going on. My vet can’t come out due to the Coronavirus, so I have to figure it out and deal with it on my own. She’s egg laying age, my male call duck is constantly trying to procreate with her, and just started having problems tonight. All of the sudden she can barely walk. She waddles heavily and her legs seem to give out after a few steps. She just keeps laying down. Her abdomen is swollen and squishy, no hard lumps, and she is leaking a completely clear goo-like liquid from her vent (looks like egg whites to me). She also seems to be randomly squatting and panting heavy with her wings out. She’s not lethargic or anything, just seems to not be able to move around too much when she wants to. Could this be egg bound or something else? I really need help. Thanks guys.
It kind of sounds like she may have had an egg break inside her. 😩
I am not sure what you can do about that. Let me tag some people.

Ok so update! She passed a soft shelled broken egg, so I was correct in saying there was egg whites leaking out of her. What should I do now? I gave her a bath, nothing else came out, and now she’s sitting in a dog crate with her mate (they freak out if they’re apart). Any advice?
Could you separate them, while leaving the ability to see each other? I think it’s imperative that it all gets expelled. More mating by him would seem to me to hinder that.
I’ve not had this happen to any of mine, so hopefully someone else will chime in soon.
Ok so update! She passed a soft shelled broken egg, so I was correct in saying there was egg whites leaking out of her. What should I do now? I gave her a bath, nothing else came out, and now she’s sitting in a dog crate with her mate (they freak out if they’re apart). Any advice?
Thank goodness there isn't sharp egg pieces in her!
i agree with WV. I'd separate them until she's better.
what do you feed them? Do you offer oyster shell?
Could you separate them, while leaving the ability to see each other? I think it’s imperative that it all gets expelled. More mating by him would seem to me to hinder that.
I’ve not had this happen to any of mine, so hopefully someone else will chime in soon.
Ok, I’ll separate them then.
Thank goodness there isn't sharp egg pieces in her!
i agree with WV. I'd separate them until she's better.
what do you feed them? Do you offer oyster shell?
That’s definitely such a relief! I feed her finisher feed due to the amount of male birds I have, and I’ve never seen her poke at any of the oyster shell I have out.
My girls eat their oyster shell like crazy. I had one a couple years ago that laid soft shells fairly often anyway though. If it keeps happening you may need to find an alternative way to get some calcium in her.

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