Sick cat... any experience with histoplasmosis?

It certainly looks like a fungal pneumonia on the radiograph. An aspirate of the consolidated lung tissue may show the cause on cytology. With the cat in such poor condition I would immediately start antifungal treatment ASAP pending further lab results. Antifungals are hard on the liver so liver enzymes must be monitored. As bad as kitty sounds I recommend starting treatment before results come back.
Best of luck.
@CatWhisperer- thank you so much. It's really validating to hear that this is consistent with my thinking also. Right now he is getting Veraflox 25mg- 2ml every 24 hours (presumably because of the elevated WBC count from his labs) and at my request he is taking 50mg of Fluconazole every 12 hours. (He weighed 18.5lbs. but was down to 15lbs at vet appointment.) He started taking both Sunday night. I know antifungals are a slow and long treatment... I cannot find any information online about the course of treatment or how long it might take to see any improvement. Do you have any ideas on that? I also read about Amphotericin B as another treatment option, but it looked like the risk of toxicity was even greater, although it seems more appropriate for severe infections. I wonder if you or any other friends in the forum have any experience with this medication?

I'll post the cytology reports as soon as I have them.

Thanks again to all of you! I'm means a lot to me and Scratch.


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Hi Everyone,
They are finishing the cytology reports now but said they found evidence of carcinoma in the lung tissue they sampled. They don't really understand exactly how that would connect to the other symptoms... perhaps the lameness indicates that it has metastasized to the bones, but the vet said it is probably irrelevant given that the prognosis would be poor anyway with the carcinoma finding. They want to treat with injections of steroids to decrease inflammation and fluids for comfort and to prevent dehydration. Any thoughts on this? Vet said continuing antibiotics and antifungals would be unnecessary at this point. I'm really scared for the outcome for my best little friend. @CatWhisperer what do you think?
Thanks again everyone.
I’m sorry your beautiful cat is sick.
Histoplasmosis is a fungus in the soil that can become activated by bird or bat droppings Your chickens don’t actually carry the fungus.
Ask if they have chemotherapy specific to the carcinoma besides just giving steroids. I would be tempted to continue the antifungals for a while. A fungal infection would cause the increased WBC so go ahead and discontinue the antibiotics. Perhaps a follow up chest xray in 10-14 days. I am not a fan of making a pet suffer needlessly as they can't forsee a future of health. If Scratch is miserable enough you may not want to put him through too much more.
Is there a veterinary oncologist within driving distance? Or available by phone? Our local oncologists in southern Michigan, at least, will consult by phone with you, and/ or your veterinarian. ASAP, although the holiday isn't helpful right now.
I'm so sorry!
A specialist is the best person to consult right now, if there's anything to be done.

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